Agenda and minutes

(Annual Meeting), County Council - Wednesday, 19 May 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Turing Room, Holywell Park, Loughborough University Science and Enterprise Park (LUSEP), Holywell Way, Loughborough LE11 3GR

Contact: Rosemary Whitelaw - Tel: 0116 305 2583  Email:


No. Item


To elect a Chairman.


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Mullaney and carried:


“That Mr Dan Harrison be elected Chairman for the period until the next Annual Meeting of the Council.”


Mr Harrison read out and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed and signed by the Chief Executive.


Mr Harrison took the Chair and thanked his proposer and seconder and members of the Council for electing him.


The Chairman thanked Mrs Posnett for her services to the County during her period of office as Chairman.  Mr Rushton, Mr Mullaney and Mr Hunt each joined the Chairman in associating their Groups with the thanks to Mrs Posnett.  Mrs Posnett thanked members for their generous remarks.


Mr. D. Harrison CC (in the Chair)



To elect a Vice Chairman.


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Mullaney and carried:-


“That Dr Kevin Feltham be appointed Vice-Chairman for the period until the next Annual Meeting of the Council.”


Dr Feltham read out and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed and signed by the Chief Executive.


Dr Feltham thanked his proposer and seconder for their generous remarks and members of the Council for appointing him as Vice-Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements.


Mr Brian Page


The Chairman reported with great sadness the death of former County Councillor Mr Brian Page.  He served on the County Council representing the Glenfields electoral division from 2001 to 2013. 


Mr Page served as a member of the Cabinet from 2007 to 2010. He also served on the Scrutiny Commission, Resources Scrutiny Committee, the Standards Committee and the Pensions Board.


Members joined the Chairman by standing in silent tribute to Mr Page.


Welcome to new Members of the County Council


The Chairman congratulated all Members on their election, or re-election, to the County Council and offered a warm welcome to new County Councillors attending their first meeting of the County Council.  He also commented on the unique circumstances of having three generations of the same family serving on the County Council.


Covid-19 Arrangements


The ongoing restrictions and caution surrounding Covid-19 had seen the Annual Meeting move from County Hall for the first time.  The Chairman was grateful to Loughborough University for hosting the meeting and allowing members to come together for the first time in over a year.


Armed Forces Day


As a prelude to Armed Forces Day, the Chairman would be taking part in a pre-recorded Flag-Raising ceremony at the Stand Easy Memorial on Monday 7th June, at 10.30am.  He had been unable to extend an invitation to all members this year, but the video would be made available for all to watch at the beginning of Armed Forces Week on Monday 21st June.


On Saturday 26th June, together with the Lord-Lieutenant and Lord Mayor of Leicester, the Chairman would be attending a special service at Leicester Cathedral to mark Armed Forces Day.  Once again, the event was being held cautiously and so invitations had been restricted. However, all members were invited to watch the live stream of the Service via the Cathedral’s website on the 26th. 


County Service


The Chairman hoped to host the County Service later this year.  All Members would receive an invitation in due course.



To receive the report of the Returning Officer. pdf icon PDF 133 KB


The Chief Executive presented the report of the Returning Officer on the persons duly elected to the County Council at the elections which had been held on 6 May 2021. 


The Chairman congratulated all members on their election and in particular extended a welcome to new members.



Minutes. pdf icon PDF 351 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman and carried:-


“That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 February 2021, copies of which have been circulated to members, be taken as read, confirmed and signed.”




Declarations of Interest.


The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to make declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting.


No such declarations were made.




Questions asked under Standing Order 7(1)(2) and (5).


(A)   Mr Hunt asked the following question of the Leader or his nominee:


“1.      A recent paper to Cabinet concerning a major road proposal included a specific section listing the “Environmental Implications”.  Will this be a regular part of reports on major road proposals and will they detail negatives as well as positives?


2.        The same report included a statement of conformance with the Council’s Environment Strategy to (A) “Reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions and those in the wider county where we have influence” and (F) “Reduce the environmental impacts of travel and transport” these aims were proposed to be met by a reduction in “exhaust emissions through reducing acceleration/deceleration events”.  What is the evidence that the exhaust emissions (CO2, NOx, etc) will be reduced if the volume of traffic increases as expected?


3.        What will be the effect on air quality, taking into account particulates from tyres and brakes, if traffic increases as predicted?


4.        Is it time to evaluate the environmental impacts of all major road projects and do so in a consistent accepted form, even if they can also demonstrate a significant contribution to jobs and the economy?”


Mr Pain replied as follows:


“1.      Yes, Environmental Implications is a standard section in Cabinet reports and will summarise both negative and positive impacts.


2.        Current evidence provided by the Department for Transport and European Union suggests that more efficient driving (i.e. reduced acceleration/deceleration, braking and idling) can reduce exhaust emissions by around 10%.  In order to secure funding from central government for Major Transport and Highway schemes, the proposals must be assessed in line with government guidance.  The strategic modelling work carried out as part of this assessment indicates that the impact of exhaust emissions will be reduced when compared to the proposed scheme not being implemented as the additional capacity at key junctions will support more uniform traffic flow and movement.  Irrespective of whether the scheme is or is not successful in receiving government funding, the volume of traffic is predicted to continue to increase along this corridor (the section of A50/A511 between Field Head roundabout and Hoo Ash Roundabout) with the inevitable increase in exhaust emissions.  


3.        If traffic increases as predicted and the scheme is not implemented, then air quality would be expected to deteriorate.  As above, the assessment of the proposals indicates that particulates along with other emissions will be reduced if the scheme is delivered.


4.        Allocation of funding for major road projects from central government is currently subject to business case assessment in line with government guidance.  The economic evaluation as a part of the business case requires the environmental impacts of major road schemes to be assessed and any impacts, both negative and positive to be monetarised.  Schemes which cannot demonstrate a benefit to cost ratio of at least 2:1 when all impacts are taken into account are unlikely to be funded.”



Position statements under Standing Order 8. pdf icon PDF 285 KB


The Leader gave a position statement on the following matters:


·       Welcome to new Members;

·       Member Induction, Learning and Development Programme;

·       Covid-19;

·       Honorary Aldermen;

·       The New Term.


A copy of the position statement is filed with these minutes.



Report of the Cabinet.


Dates of Council Meetings 2021/22 and 2022/23. pdf icon PDF 111 KB


It was moved by Mr Shepherd, seconded by Mr Rushton and carried:


“That Council meetings in 2021/22 and 2022/23 be held on the following dates: -

·       Wednesday 7 July 2021

·       Wednesday 29 September 2021

·       Wednesday 1 December 2021

·       Wednesday 23 February 2022 (to consider the budget)

·       Wednesday 18 May 2022 (Annual meeting)

·       Wednesday 6 July 2022

·       Wednesday 28 September 2022

·       Wednesday 7 December 2022

·       Wednesday 22 February 2023 (to consider the budget)

·       Wednesday 17 May 2023 (Annual meeting).”



To make the following appointments in accordance with items 11 and 12 of Standing Order 4:


To appoint the Leader (and to note the members which the Leader proposes to appoint to the Cabinet); pdf icon PDF 99 KB


It was moved by Mrs Taylor, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:


“That Mr N J Rushton be appointed Leader of the Council for the period until the next Annual Meeting of the Council.”


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:


“That it be noted that the Leader proposes to appoint the members named on list ‘1’ as members of the Cabinet.”


A copy of list 1 is filed with these minutes.



To appoint such Cabinet Support Members as the Council considers appropriate;


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:


“That the following members be appointed as Cabinet Support Members until the next Annual Meeting of the County Council, as provided for in Article 7 of the Council’s Constitution:-


Mr R Ashman

Mr T Parton

Mrs B Seaton

Mrs M Wright.”


42 members voted for the motion; 13 voted against.



To appoint members of the Scrutiny Commission, Board and Committees; pdf icon PDF 312 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by Mr Shepherd, seconded by Mr Charlesworth and carried:




“That the membership of the Scrutiny Commission, Boards and Committees as set out in List ‘2’ and the Chairmen Elect and Spokespersons named in List ‘3’ be approved.”




“That the Chief Executive be authorised to make and terminate appointments to the Commission, committees, boards and other County Council bodies (not including the Cabinet) in accordance with the wishes of the political groups to whom the seat in question has been allocated, subject in the case of those bodies set out in list ‘2’ to the Group giving one day’s notice to the Chief Executive of its wishes.”


A copy of list ‘2’ and list ‘3’ is filed with these minutes.



To appoint church representatives to serve on the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Report of the Chief Executive. pdf icon PDF 259 KB


It was moved by Mr Shepherd, seconded by Mr Charlesworth and carried:


“That Canon Carolyn Lewis be appointed as Church of England representative and Mr Neil Lockyer be appointed as the Roman Catholic Church representative on the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (or other appropriate scrutiny committee dealing with Education) for the period ending with the County Council elections in 2025.”