Venue: Sparkenhoe Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield and via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Anna Poole (Tel. 0116 305 2583) Email:
No. | Item |
Order Paper and Representations. A webcast of the meeting can be viewed at |
Minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2020 were taken as read, confirmed and signed. |
Urgent Items. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration. |
Declarations of interest. Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. He and Mr. Blunt CC, Mr. Breckon CC, Mrs. Richardson CC, Mrs. Taylor CC and Mr. Shepherd CC each declared a personal interest in agenda item 5 (White Paper on Devolution and Local Recovery) as members of district councils, and Mr. Blunt CC undertook to leave the meeting during consideration of this item as Leader of North West Leicestershire District Council. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy Latest Position. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources
concerning the 2020/21 revenue budget and capital programme monitoring position
as at the end of July 2020. A copy of
the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 4’, is filed with these minutes. Members noted the comments of the Scrutiny Commission, a copy of which
is filed with these minutes. Mr. Rhodes emphasised the considerable pressures faced by the Council as
a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although measures had been put in place to
secure the Council’s financial position through to the end of the year, he
expected 2020/21 to be more challenging due to the predicted loss of income
from Council Tax and Business Rates. Although
the financial situation was challenging, he reassured members that the Council
was in a better position than many other authorities. The Leader commended Mr. Rhodes and the Director of Corporate Resources
for managing the challenging financial situation and asked that details be sent
to Leicestershire MPs of how the future savings would be made so that there was
a full understanding of the Council’s financial situation. RESOLVED: a) That the comments of the Scrutiny Commission be noted; b) That the latest position of the 2020/21 revenue budget and
capital programme as at the end of July 2020 and the effect of Covid-19 be
noted; c) That the changes to the 2020-24 capital programme as set
out in the report be approved; d) That the approach outlined in the report to updating the
Medium-Term Financial Strategy be approved. (KEY DECISION) REASONS FOR
DECISION: To note the
intended approach to the development of plans to address the latest financial
position. To agree the
revised capital programme for 2020-24 which required amendment as a result of
the Covid-19 pandemic. (Mr. Blunt then
left the meeting during consideration of the following agenda item – White
Paper on Devolution and Local Recovery). |
White Paper on Devolution and Local Recovery. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive concerning the
forthcoming White Paper on Devolution and Local Recovery and the Council’s proposal
to write to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local
Government requesting an invitation for councils in Leicestershire to come
forward with proposals for a unitary authority as a prerequisite to a
devolution settlement for the East Midlands.
A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 5’, is filed with these
minutes. Members noted comments from Mr. M. Mullaney CC and Dr. T. Eynon CC on
behalf of the Labour Group, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. Members were informed that the Government was seeking greater devolution
linked to improved local and regional accountability and preferred to have
elected mayors in place. Ministers had suggested that reorganisation to unitary
authorities would be a condition of a regional devolution deal. The
recommendations in the report would align the Council with both Nottinghamshire
and Derbyshire County Councils and would present the opportunity for further
financial savings to be made. Mr. Rushton said that, following the passing of a similar motion in the
same week, both Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire County Councils had written to
the Secretary of State. RESOLVED: a) That
the Leader write to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local
Government requesting an invitation for councils in the administrative
boundaries of Leicestershire County Council to come forward with their
proposals for the establishment of unitary local government as a prerequisite
to a devolution settlement for the East Midlands; b) That
officers be requested to (i)
Develop and update the draft strategic
business case for a unitary structure for local government in Leicestershire
having regard to the criteria and requirements of the White Paper; (ii)
Take steps to engage an independent
social research company to undertake a stakeholder engagement on the revised
business case; (iii)
Following publication of the White Paper
submit a further report to the Scrutiny Commission and Cabinet before the
matter be debated by the full Council with a view to an ambitious proposal
being put to Government which recognises a once in a generation opportunity to
improve local government in Leicestershire in the context of a strong economy
and powerful voice for the East Midlands. (KEY DECISION) REASONS FOR
DECISION: To enable work to
commence immediately to update the draft business case in order that
Leicestershire, together with Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, which are also
approaching the Secretary of State, can be in a position to be in the early
tranche for local government reform. (Mr. Blunt re-joined the meeting). |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Adults and
Communities concerning the outcome of the consultation on the new Adults and
Communities Strategy. A copy of the
report, marked ‘Agenda Item 6’, is filed with these minutes. Members noted the comments of the Adults and Communities Overview and
Scrutiny Committee, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. The Director said that the Strategy had been revised in light of the
Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that services continued to support people in the
most effective way whilst keeping residents and staff safe. Mr. Blunt said that the Strategy continued to promote independence for
users and aimed to improve user satisfaction levels and continue efficient
delivery of services in a cost-effective way. Mrs. Richardson was pleased to see continuing support for community
libraries which became community hubs and were vital for supporting people’s
mental health. RESOLVED: a) That the comments of the Adults and Communities Overview
and Scrutiny Committee be noted; b) That the outcome of the consultation on “Delivering
Wellbeing and Opportunity in Leicestershire: Adults and Communities Department
Ambitions and Strategy for 2020-2024” be noted; c) That the “Delivering Wellbeing and Opportunity in
Leicestershire: Adults and Communities Department Ambitions and Strategy for
2020–2024” be approved. (KEY DECISION) REASONS FOR
DECISION: The consultation
and engagement exercise undertaken overwhelmingly support the key themes of the
Strategy, which will underpin the work of the Department over the next four
years. |
Status on Support for Community Managed Libraries. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Adults and
Communities regarding the provision of extra support for community managed
libraries in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 7’, is filed with these
minutes. Members noted the comments of the Adults and Communities Overview and
Scrutiny Committee, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. The Director informed members that Community Managed Libraries (CMLs)
were an established and successful part of the library service. The Covid-19
lockdown had impacted on the ability of CMLs to raise additional funds to
support their work and it was proposed to enhance the Council’s support to them
during this challenging time. Mr. Blunt thanked the Trustees of Community Managed Libraries for their
support in steering the libraries through the Covid-19 pandemic and commended
officers for the support given to CMLs, a model which other Councils had
followed. Mr. Rhodes supported the increased investment, from existing budgets to
help ensure the continuing operation of CMLs. RESOLVED: a) That the comments of the Adults and Communities Overview
and Scrutiny Committee be noted; b) That the baseline support offer to Community Managed
Libraries be enhanced to: (i)
increase the lease
extension period from five to 10 years; (ii)
offer more officer
visits to provide support and training and, via Voluntary Action
Leicestershire, support for volunteer recruitment and retention, business
planning, and income generation; c) That it be noted that the position of Community Managed
Libraries will be kept under review during the recovery from Covid-19 and
further reports will be made to members as necessary. REASONS FOR
DECISION: The original
funding support package for Community Managed Libraries was set up in 2014.
This tapered funded support reduced by 20% each year from 100% running costs
and will reach nil by 2021 for those CMLs that transferred early in the
process. The pandemic has resulted
in all libraries being closed and consequently their ability to generate income
has halted. Lessons learned
from the CML project have indicated that in order to indicate viability for
external funds, a 10-year lease is preferable to the current arrangement which
requires library groups to request a rollover five-year extension. Ten-year
leases would also reduce CMLs trustees’ legal costs and would be more efficient
from the Council’s perspective. CMLs have
identified the importance of regular visits from Council support officers,
especially in supporting volunteers and trustees at points of crisis, and this
is imperative following Covid-19. It is
therefore important that the frequency of these visits be increased during this
period of known vulnerability. OTHER OPTIONS
CONSIDERED: Option 2 - Upscaled
baseline plus offer for all libraries with internal repairing-only leases. Option 3 - Upscaled
baseline offer relating to County Council and VAL officer support plus the
Council takes back control of all running costs of CML building. |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Strategy 2020 to 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children and Family
Services which presented the outcome of engagement on the Special Educational
Needs and Disability and Inclusion Strategy for 2020-2023. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 8’,
is filed with these minutes. Mrs. Taylor explained that the Strategy would be monitored through the
SEND and Inclusion Board with strong governance in place to oversee delivery of
the action plan to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND. She thanked
local area partners, the Parent and Carer Forum, parents, carers and children
for their support in developing the Strategy. Mr. Rhodes said that he was pleased that the Strategy had been developed
to improve standards and reduce dependence on the independent sector. RESOLVED: a) That the responses to the consultation including the
comments of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted; b) That the Leicestershire local area Special Educational
Needs and Disability and Inclusion Strategy 2020-2023 be approved. (KEY DECISION) REASONS FOR
DECISION: To provide the
basis for planning, commissioning and delivering SEND Services and support by
the Council and its partners for children and young people living in
Leicestershire over the next three years. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children and Family
Services concerning the Annual Report 2019-20 for the Leicestershire and Rutland
Safeguarding Children Partnership and the Business Plan 2020-21 from that Partnership
and the Leicester Safeguarding Children Partnership Board. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 9’,
is filed with these minutes. Mrs. Taylor said that the new arrangements were now bedded in and a new
Independent Adviser was working with the Leicestershire and Rutland
Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and the Leicester Safeguarding Children
Partnership Board. She welcomed more aligned working across Leicester,
Leicestershire and Rutland to address children’s safeguarding. Members asked that their thanks be conveyed to Mr. Simon Westwood for
his work as Independent Chair and Adviser since 2017. RESOLVED: That the
Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Children Partnership (LRSCP) Annual
Report for 2019/20 and the joint Business Plan of the LRSCP and the Leicester
Safeguarding Children Partnership Board for 2020/21 be noted and welcomed. REASONS FOR
DECISION: Leicestershire
County Council is one of the Statutory Partners who have a shared and equal
statutory duty with the local Clinical Commissioning Groups and Chief of
Leicestershire Police to agree and make arrangements to work together to
safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in Leicestershire. The multi-agency
safeguarding arrangements locally are managed through a new partnership – the LRSCP
– that covers Leicestershire and Rutland.
The arrangements commenced on 29 September 2019, replacing the former
Local Safeguarding Children Board. The Business Plan
for 2020/21 has been jointly developed by the LRSCP and Leicester Safeguarding
Children Partnership Board in order to support greater alignment in
safeguarding development work across the two areas. In Leicestershire the
Annual Report has traditionally been presented to the Cabinet and the Children
and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Presenting the
Annual Report and Business Plan enables the Cabinet to comment on the content
of both documents and consider whether these identify matters that it wishes to
address in relation to the effectiveness of safeguarding within the work of the
Authority. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Independent Chair of the
Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board which presented the
Board’s draft Annual Report 2019-20, Strategic Plan 2020-2025 and Business Plan
for 2020-21. A copy of the report,
marked ‘Agenda Item 10’, is filed with these minutes. Members noted the comments of the Adults and Communities Overview and
Scrutiny Committee, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. RESOLVED: a) That the comments of the Adults and Communities Overview
and Scrutiny Committee be noted; b) That the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults
Board Annual Report for 2019/20, Strategic Plan for 2020-2025, and Business
Plan for 2020/21, be noted and welcomed. REASONS FOR
DECISION: The Leicestershire
and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board (LRSAB) is a statutory body and local
authorities have a duty to ensure that the Board is enabled to operate effectively. It is a requirement
of the Care Act 2014 that the LRSAB Annual Report be reported to the Leader of
the Council together with the Chief Executive of the local authority, the
Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Police and Crime Commissioner,
and local Healthwatch. In Leicestershire, the
Annual Report and Business Plans have traditionally also been presented to the
Cabinet and the Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Presenting the
Annual Report enables the Cabinet to comment on the content of the Annual
Report and consider whether the report identifies matters that it wishes to
address in relation to the effectiveness of safeguarding within the work of the
Authority. Presenting the
Strategic Plan and Business Plan enables the Cabinet to have oversight of the
work of the Safeguarding Adults Board and the requirement on the Local
Authority for contribution to these partnership plans. |
Corporate Asset Investment Fund Annual Performance Report 2019-2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources
concerning performance of the Corporate Asset Investment Fund for the 2019-20
financial year. A copy of the report,
marked ‘Agenda Item 11’, is filed with these minutes. Mr. Rhodes informed members that investments would be closely monitored
and were expected to make a significant contribution to the Medium-Term
Financial Strategy each year. RESOLVED: a)
That the comments
of the Scrutiny Commission as set out in the report be noted; b)
That the
performance of the Corporate Asset Investment Fund for the period April 2019 to
March 2020 be welcomed. REASONS FOR
DECISION: In accordance with
the Cabinet’s decision in September 2017, this report fulfils the requirement
to report annually on the performance of the CAIF to both the Cabinet and the
Scrutiny Commission, to demonstrate that the Fund is being managed
professionally and prudently. |
Planning for the Future White Paper (August 2020). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive which proposed
the Council’s response to the Government’s White Paper “Planning for the
Future”. A copy of the report, marked
‘Agenda Item 12’, is filed with these minutes. Members noted the comments of the Scrutiny Commission, a copy of which
is filed with these minutes. RESOLVED: a) That the comments of the Scrutiny Commission be noted; b) That the proposals set out in the Planning for the Future
White Paper (August 2020), be noted; c) That the County Council’s response to the consultation on
the proposals set out in the White Paper as appended to the report, be
approved, subject to (d) below; d) That the Chief Executive be authorised, following
consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Lead Member, to agree a final response
to the consultation having regard to the comments made by the Scrutiny
Commission. REASONS FOR
DECISION: The White Paper
proposes substantial reform to the English town and country planning system. In
order to protect the County Council’s services and its strategic objectives, it
is essential that the White Paper is thoroughly reviewed and a response to
government is provided. The draft response
sets out how the proposed revisions to the planning system will impact upon
County Council services. It explains where the changes appear acceptable and
where amendments are required. The views of the
Cabinet are sought to confirm the County Council’s response and inform a
discussion by a working group comprising representatives from local planning
authorities (city, county, district) plus the Leicester and Leicestershire
Enterprise Partnership later in the month. |
Items referred from Overview and Scrutiny. Minutes: There were no items referred from Overview and Scrutiny. |
In attendance |
Apologies |