Agenda and minutes

Constitution Committee - Wednesday, 28 September 2011 11.30 am

Venue: Gartree Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield

Contact: Mrs R. Palmer (Tel: 0116 305 6098)  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman.

Mr D R Parsons was nominated Chairman elect at the Annual Meeting of the County Council held on 18 May 2011.



That Mr D R Parsons CBE CC be elected Chairman for the period ending with the date of the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2012.


Mr D R Parsons CBE CC – in the Chair



Appointment of Deputy Chairman.


That Mr N J Rushton CC be appointed Deputy Chairman for the period ending with the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2012.



Minutes. pdf icon PDF 65 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2010 were taken as read, confirmed and signed.



Question Time.


The Chief Executive reported that no questions had been received under Standing Order 35.



Questions asked under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5).


The Chief Executive reported that no questions had been received under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5).



Urgent items.


There were no urgent items for consideration.



Declarations of interest.


The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations were made.



Statement of Accounts 2010/11. pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report from the Director of Corporate Resources which presented the 2010/11 Statement of Accounts for approval, informed the Committee of the key issues within the accounts and reported the key findings from the external audit of the accounts.  A copy of the report marked ‘B’ is filed with these minutes.


The Committee also considered the draft minute of the Corporate Governance Committee meeting held on Monday 26 September 2010 which summarised that Committee’s discussion on the External Audit of the 2010/11 financial statements.  A copy is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman and Committee thanked officers for their hard work and congratulated them on preparing the Statement of Accounts to a standard and in a manner which had been commended by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the County Council’s external auditors.


It was noted that if a school became an academy, its reserves would be transferred over to it.  One of the criteria for academy status was financial viability.


The £3.9m reserve relating to the transfer of funds from the Primary Care Trust (PCT) to the County Council would be reinvested jointly with the PCT in partnership work linked to social care.




That the Statement of Accounts for 2010/11 be approved.