Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Glenfield.
Contact: Miss C Tuohy (0116 305 5483). Email:
No. | Item |
Questions asked by members under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5). |
To advise of any other items which the Chairman has decided to take as urgent elsewhere on the agenda. |
Declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. |
Pension Fund Annual Reports and Accounts 2018/19. PDF 520 KB This item will include a presentation by the Director of Corporate Resources. Additional documents:
Decision: That the contents of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2018/19 and the Director’s presentation be noted. |
Additional documents: Decision: That the report be noted. |
Election of Employee Representative to the Local Pension Committee. Decision: That Mr. A. Wilson be appointed Employee Representative for the Local Pension Committee period of three years, expiring at the Annual Meeting in 2022. |
Election of Employee Representatives to the Local Pension Board. Decision: That Ms. R. Gilbert be appointed Employee Representative on the
Local Pension Board for a period of three years expiring at the Annual Meeting
in 2022. That Ms. D. Stobbs be appointed as Substitute Representative on the Local Pension Board for one year expiring at the Annual Meeting in 2020. |
Any other items which the Chairman has decided to take as urgent. |
Date of Next Annual General Meeting. Decision: That officers determine an appropriate date and time for the next Pension Fund Annual Meeting and publicise this date on the County Council’s website. |