Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Miss. C. Tuohy (Tel. 0116 305 5483) Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2020. PDF 240 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2020 were taken as read, confirmed and signed. |
Question Time. Minutes: The Chief Executive reported that no questions had been received under Standing Order 35. |
Questions asked by members under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5). Minutes: The Chief Executive reported that no questions had been received under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5). |
To advise of any other items which the Chairman has decided to take as urgent elsewhere on the agenda. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration. |
Declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. No declarations were made. |
Strategic Asset Allocation Update and LGPS Central Climate Fund Transition. PDF 566 KB Minutes: The Subcommittee
considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources updating Members on
the Strategic Asset Allocation and LGPS Central Climate Fund Transition. A copy
of the report is filed with these minutes marked ‘6’. The Director informed the Subcommittee that the Fund
continued to await Property and Infrastructure fund product launches from LGPS
Central which the Fund had expressed interest in. In the meantime, the Fund
would consider relevant investments to avoid straying further from its Property
target allocation. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Recommended Investment into LGPS Central Multi Asset Credit Fund. PDF 272 KB Minutes: The Subcommittee considered a report of the Director of
Corporate Resources which provided members with background information relating
to a recommended investment in LGPS Central Multi Asset Credit Fund. A copy of the report is filed
with these minutes marked ‘7’. The
Director informed the Subcommittee that the Fund had a target allocation of
4.0% (c.£200million) of total Fund assets to the global credit liquid sub
investment grade asset class. Currently the Fund only had a £29million
investment with JP Morgan in the asset class, which totalled 0.6% of the total
Fund value. Thus an investment into LGPS Central’s
Multi Asset Credit (MAC) Fund was proposed to reach the Fund’s target
allocation. Arising from the detailed discussion the following points
were noted:- i.
The Fund had engaged with LGPS Central in the creation of the
MAC fund mandate alongside other partner funds to develop a mandate that was
suitable for their objectives. ii.
Following a detailed selection process LGPS Central had
appointed two managers Western Asset and BMO Global Asset Management. The
interview process included questions regarding staff turnover, responsible
investment and engagement, portfolio turnover and their decision-making
processes. Furthermore, LGPS Central ensured that the managers chosen
strategies did not overlap to allow appropriate diversification within the
fund. iii. A concern was raised regarding
reference to the use of derivative instruments and collateralized loan
obligations within the mandate. The Director assured the Subcommittee that
while the fund’s ability to invest in a wider pool of securities meant there
was a higher risk there was also higher expected return than other investments
the Fund had. Members were assured that LGPS Central would monitor its managers
and could reign in managers who acted outside of their expected philosophy.
Ultimately the mandate only aimed for 4%, a reasonable return, so it was not
expected that Managers would need to take excessive risks to obtain this
return. iv. Members were further assured
that LGPS Central had a manager monitoring process with all
of their managers and funds to assess any changes with how the performed
against target, and if necessary Central had the ability to rebalance managers
or remove them if ultimately necessary. RESOLVED: That the
information provided be noted. |
Recommended Investment Into Adams Street Partners Global Secondary Fund 7. PDF 300 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Subcommittee considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources which provided
members with background information relating to a recommended investment
in Adams Street Partners Global Secondary Fund. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes marked
‘8’. The
Director informed Members that the Fund’s target allocation was 5.75% to
private equity of which the Fund had was 0.25% overweight at 6.0%. Despite this
it was considered essential to further invest in private equity due to the
historic investments returned and the illiquid nature of the asset class. It
was expected that as funding returned by 2022 the Fund’s allocation would be
5.23% therefore it was necessary to commit to future vintages. Members
noted that the Fund had invested in Adams Street Partners previously and that
the ASP had a long history within the secondaries market. Furthermore it was
felt the shorter duration of the Global Secondary Fund 7 was beneficial. The
Subcommittee were aware that officers were in discussions with LGPS Central
with other partner funds to launch a 2021 private equity vintage which the Fund
had expressed interest in. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Date of Next Meeting - 28 July 2021 Minutes: That it be noted that the next meeting of the
Subcommittee is scheduled to be held on 28 July 2021. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public. Minutes: RESOLVED That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972 the
public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the
grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined
in Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act. |
Supplementary Information informing the proposed investment in LGPS Cental Multi Asset Credit Minutes: The
Subcommittee considered supplementary information from the Director of
Corporate Resources regarding the recommended investment into LGPS Central
Multi Asset Credit Fund and due diligence undertaken by the Fund’s investment
consultant, Hymans Robertson, which was followed by questions from members. A
copy of the briefing note is filed with these minutes marked ‘10. The
note was not for publication by virtue of Paragraphs 3
and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Subcommittee noted that the recommended £200million
investment in Central’s MAC fund, which was expected to achieve attractive
returns, would be funded from:- ·
Termination of the JP Morgan Global Credit Mandate totalling
circa £29million. ·
Rebalancing of the targeted return portfolio managers to the
smallest manager Aspect, by selling holdings in Pictet and Ruffer, estimated at
£40million and £50million respectively as at December 2020. ·
Use of existing cash reserves, estimated at £81million. Members
noted that where valuations had changed since December 2020 the Fund would
rebalance each targeted return manager accordingly to Aspect and the cash
reserves needed consequently. Arising
from the discussion, the following points were made:- i.
The Fund’s exposure to risk within the Multi Asset Credit Fund
was limited as the mandate set out that less than ten percent was able to be
transferred to emerging market debt which held more risk than developed
markets. There was also low allocation within high yield loans and
convertibles. Thus the mandate limited the risk by
restricting how much managers could invest in higher risk areas. ii.
Hymans Robertson had undertaken due diligence and recommended
investment. RESOLVED: That the supplementary information provided be noted. [At this point LGPS Central representatives joined the meeting] |
Presentation of the Investment Manager - LGPS Central Multi Asset Credit Fund Minutes: The
Subcommittee received a presentation by representatives from LGPS Central which
was followed by questions from members. A copy of the presentation is filed
with these minutes marked ‘12’. The presentation was not for publication by virtue of Paragraphs 3 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A)
of the Local Government Act 1972. Arising from the discussion the following points arose:- i) LGPS Central had a robust
manager selection process that ensured managers chosen were right to manage the
assets of the partner funds. The criteria included expected performance, a
consistent investment process, value for money, transparency and a strong
commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors which both BMO
and Western Asset displayed. ii) LGPS Central had monitored the managers
portfolio before any investment to ensure that managers were working as
expected. Central also held monthly conference calls with its managers. iii) The asset managers were limited by the
agreed mandate. If a manager was to go outside of that mandate Central would
look to understand the reasoning behind the decision through regular meetings. If
there was poor performance by a manager Central would undertake a review and
work with the manager to consider decisions taken and the justification behind
them. Central could ultimately fire the manager if it seemed detrimental to
performance long-term. iv) The Subcommittee were assured
that Environmental, Social and Governance factors were still at the forefront
of managers minds in the fixed income market. Despite not holding voting rights,
they still had a direct line of access and communication with company’s
management which could be used to engage and encourage better ESG
considerations. LGPS Central also employed its own Responsible Investment Team
that undertake due diligence on a continual basis and considered fund portfolio’s and how they ranked. [At this point LGPS Central representatives withdrew from
the meeting] RESOLVED: a)
the presentation delivered by LGPS Central be noted. b)
That a £200million commitment to invest in LGPS
Central’s Multi Asset Credit Fund as set out in paragraph 18 of the report be
approved |
Change to the Order of Business. Minutes: The Chairman agreed to vary the order of business from that
set out in the agenda, taking Agenda Item 14 – Presentation of the Investment
Manager – Adams Street Partners Global Secondary Fund 7 ahead of Item 13
Supplementary Information Informing the Recommended Investment into Adams
Street Partners Global Secondary Fund 7.
[Representatives from
Adams Street Partners joined the meeting] |
Presentation of the Investment Manager - Adams Street Partners - Global Secondary Fund 7. |
Supplementary Information Informing the Recommended Investment into Adams Street Partners Global Secondary Fund 7. Minutes: The Subcommittee considered supplementary information from
the Director of Corporate Resources informing the recommended investment into
Adams Street Partners Global Secondary Fund 7. A copy of the report marked
‘Agenda Item 13’. The report was not for publication by
virtue of Paragraphs 3 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Local
Government Act 1972. RESOLVED: a)
the supplementary information provided be noted. b)
That a $38million
USD commitment to invest into Adams Street Partners Global Secondary Fund 7 be
approved. |