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Leicestershire and Rutland Safer Communities Strategy Board

This page lists the meetings for Leicestershire and Rutland Safer Communities Strategy Board.


Information about Leicestershire and Rutland Safer Communities Strategy Board

The Board has responsibility for the delivery of safer communities objectives within Leicestershire and Rutland, including reducing re-offending and substance-related crime and disorder, protecting those considered to be most vulnerable in the community, reducing anti-social behaviour and increasing public confidence in local crime and disorder services.  The Board comprises representatives from Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council, each of the seven District Community Safety Partnerships, the BCU Commander, Leicestershire Police, Integrated Care Board, the Probation Service and Combined Fire Authority.


Leicestershire County Council work closely with a range of partners to help support community safety, further information/ resources and partner websites is available via this link Leicestershire county community safety agreement