Browse meetings

Leicestershire Schools' Forum

This page lists the meetings for Leicestershire Schools' Forum.


Information about Leicestershire Schools' Forum

Schools Forums were established under the Education Act 2002 to formally give schools a voice in the disbursement of funding for schools.  Whilst subsequent legislation has changed the role of the Forum since this time, specifically the introduction of the National Funding Formula, Members of the Forum continue to represent the views of Headteachers and Governors across all school phases and school type.  The Forum has some decision-making powers but also a significant consultative role in all aspects of the Schools Budget, including the budgets distributed to Schools and also the centrally retained schools budget which funds services such as student support, special educational needs and early learning and childcare and are increasingly seem by the Department of Education as the local voice of schools.

All members of the Forum serve to represent the groups that either elect or nominate them, they are a strategic group and can commission work or establish working groups to consider issues in more detail.

Further information on the Schools Forum and pre-December 2012 meetings can be found here.