Agenda item

Annual Plan (Best Value Performance Plan) 2005-06.

A copy of the Annual Plan (Best Value Performance Plan) has been circulated to all Members of the Council as an Information Item.  Please bring a copy of the report along to the meeting.



The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive concerning the draft Annual (Best Value Performance) Plan 2005/06.  A copy of the report is filed with these minutes.


In response to questions the Commission was advised as follows:


-                    the Annual Plan would be produced in two parts: Part 1 would be a summary of the major issues and Part 2 the Performance Indicators and Targets

-                    the format of the document was being reviewed and consideration would be given to making it available on CD-ROM

-                    in the case of a number of PI’s, the information was not available as it obtained from surveys which were undertaken every three years

-                    that in the case of some service areas, eg Supporting People, there were no specific PI’s required for inclusion in the Plan.  However, the Department would have detailed statistical information on effectiveness and cost of provision.


the aim of moving on the Equalities Standard from Level 1 to Level 5 has been acknowledged as an ambitious target

-                    six monthly performance reports were circulated to all members.




(a)          That the following performance indicators be drawn to the attention of Scrutiny Committees and that the Committees be asked to satisfy themselves that action is being taken/proposed to address the variations in performance:


               Working with Partners to deliver Quality and Responsive Services


               BV 117           Visits to Libraries


               Achieving Excellence in Education and Learning


               BV33        Youth Service Expenditure


               BV159      Percentage of permanently excluded pupils offered full-time or alternative education provision of 20 hours or more.


               BV181      Achievements at Key Stage 3 in Science


               BV194      Achievements at Key Stage 2 in English and Maths


               Making Priorities Work


               LG1           Action in Biodiversity Action Plan assigned to Museums, Arts and Records Service


Creating a Better Transport System


               BV102      Local Bus Services (passenger journeys per year)



(b)          That the Cabinet be advised that the Commission notes and welcomes the new format of the draft Annual Plan 2005-06, subject to further consideration being given to:


               (i)         BV33 – Youth Service Expenditure – the inclusion of targets for 2005/06 in Part 2


(ii)               BV99 – putting the reductions in the context of the national reduction in the number of people (including children) killed or seriously injured.



Supporting documents: