Agenda item

Improving Life in Leicestershire - Medium Term Corporate Strategy in 2009.

[Copies of the Strategy were circulated to all members on 22 November as an Information Item.  Please bring a copy with you to the meeting.  Copies are also available on the website or on request by telephoning M. Seedat on 0116 265 6037].



The Commission considered a draft of the County Council’s Medium Term Corporate Strategy (to 2009) which had been agreed by the Cabinet as a basis for consultation. A copy of the Strategy marked ‘C’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting, Mr D. R. Parsons CC and Dr R. K. A. Feltham CC, who had kindly agreed to attend the meeting and assist the Commission in its deliberations.


The Chairman also welcomed Messrs. Brown and Bown to the meeting.


During the ensuing debate on the draft Strategy various points were made by members to which the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Lead Member for Resources, Efficiency Savings and Performance Management responded.  The details are summarised below:-


a)     General


         The document was not written in user friendly language and assumed a level of knowledge and understanding of local authorities procedures and practices.  The point was acknowledged and the Commission was advised that following consultation it was hoped to produce a shorter version for the public which would highlight the key improvements.


b)     Introduction


         The sentence in the third paragraph which reads “This has all been achieved despite low levels of funding from Government” should be amended to reflect the fact that whilst overall funding had increased, Leicestershire received relatively low levels of funding as compared to other Authorities.  The Leader accepted this amendment.


c)     Children and Young People


(i)     Page 4 Second Paragraph – First Sentence – should be amended to read “Our aim is by 2010 children and young people make better progress in our schools than in the rest of England.”  This suggestion was accepted.


(ii)    Page 4  - 1st bullet point – the proposed target that at least 20 of our schools should be in the top 5% of schools throughout the country needed to be clarified.  Existing data suggested that between 14-16 primary schools were already  achieving this standard.  No secondary schools are currently in the top 5% at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.  Consideration should be given to amending the target so that it specifies how many primary and how many secondary schools are to achieve this target.  The Leader acknowledged the need to look further at this target.


(iii)   Page 4 – 2nd bullet point – The view was that this was not a particularly challenging target as current data seems to suggest that only 1 secondary and 5 Primary Schools are not meeting the target score of Level 3.  Given the Authority ‘s commitment to school improvement consideration should be given to stretching this target to ensure a proportion of schools achieving Level 2 or even Level 1.  The Leader acknowledged the points made and agreed to look further at this.


(iv)   Page 4 – 4th bullet point – As there appears to be no specific Ofsted or other benchmark it would be helpful if further information could be provided on how it was proposed to measure quality.


(v)    Page 4 – 6th bullet point – it was suggested that there should be specific targets set out for the reduction of SEN Out County Placements.  The Leader commented that the development of the new area special schools would reduce the need for out-county placements.  However, it was not possible to give specific numbers as this was demand led.


(vi)   Page 4 – 8th bullet point – the reference ‘improvement in schools meals’ should be amended to read ‘improvement in the quality and the take up of school meals’.  The Leader accepted this amendment.


(vii)  Page 4 – 11th bullet point – it was suggested that there should be a target date of 2008/9 for the completion of the roll-out of 4+ education across the County.  The Leader noted this point and agreed to consider further, but suggested that it may be inappropriate to set such a date as it is reliant on school capital resources being available.


(viii) Page 5 – 3rd  bullet point – it was suggested that the words ‘seek to’ be deleted to show a firm commitment.  The Leader agreed.


(ix)   Page 5 – High Priorities Table – Academic Achievement target – there is a need to clarify whether the targets relate to improved attainment or improved progress between Key Stages.


d)     Older People


         The proposed priorities and targets were welcomed.


e)     Vulnerable Adults and Carers


         The proposal priorities and targets were welcomed.


f)      Quality of Life in Communities


         The proposed priorities and targets were welcomed.  Consideration should be given to providing a brief explanation of the key partnerships and their role.  This point was accepted.


g)     Culture and Leisure


         The proposed priorities and targets were welcomed.


h)     Transport


(i)     Page 13 – 3rd bullet point – the aim should be to reduce not only noise nuisance from traffic but also improve air quality particularly for communities living around the M1.  This point was accepted.


(ii)    Page 14 – Written questions had been submitted by Mr. M. Hunt CC regarding the high priority objective ‘Reducing Congestion.’  A copy of the questions and answers thereto were circulated to all members and a copy is filed with these minutes.  It was agreed to amend the wording in the table to read – “Tackling congestion and Improving Air Quality.”


(iii)   Whilst noting the aim to increase bus patronage it may be more appropriate in a public document to state the proposed increase in terms of the number of passenger journeys rather than an apparently low figure of 1%.  This point was noted and  would be considered.


(iv)   Consideration should be given to including a commitment to promote walking and cycling.  This point was noted and would be considered.


i)     Environment and Waste Management


(i)      Whilst welcoming the priorities and targets concern remained at the ability to deliver on waste recycling targets.  In addition there appeared to be little progress towards achieving a single collection contract for all  Districts.  This point was noted and it was agreed that it would be worth pursuing this in the medium term.


(ii)     Consideration be given to whether the extra 30,000 tonnes of waste to be diverted from landfill could be expressed as a percentage of the total amount of work going to landfill.


j)     Safer Communities


       The proposed priorities and targets were welcomed subject to inclusion of work to reduce under age sale of cigarettes.   The Leader accepted this point.


k)    Budgets, Council Tax and Efficiency


(i)    Page 18 – reference the real terms increase in Capital Programme Resources and its implications could be included as a additional bullet point.  This point was noted.


(ii)   Page 18 – reference could usefully be made to Local Area Agreements and consequences for the County Council budgets.


(iii)  Page 20 – an indication should be given in the narrative as to how the 7.5% efficiency gain by 2008 would be measured.  This point was noted and would be considered.


(iv)  Page 20 – the 10% reduction in sickness absence should be quantified.  This point was noted and would be considered.




a)     That the draft Medium Term Corporate Strategy to 2009 be welcomed.


b)     That the Cabinet be asked to consider the detailed comments now made.


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