Agenda item

Management of the Pupil Referral Units.


The Commission considered this matter, the Chairman having decided it was an urgent matter.  This related to concerns expressed regarding the decision making process leading to the placement of an advertisement in the Guardian inviting expressions of interest to manage the Authority’s Pupil Referral Unit.


The Commission considered the following documents in relation to this matter:-


  • Copy of the advertisement placed in the Guardian newspaper on Tuesday 6th December 2005.


  • Copy of a letter from the Director of Children’s Services (Designate) to all members of staff in the Advisory and Inspection Service dated 7th December 2005.


Copies of these documents are filed with these minutes.


Mr. P. C. Osborne CC declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this matter in view of comments he had made on this issue in his capacity as Chairman of the PRU Management Committee. At the request of the Chairman and with the agreement of the Commission he remained in the room and agreed to answer questions as a witness.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. I.D. Ould CC, Cabinet Lead Member of Children’s Services who had kindly agreed to attend the meeting and assist the Commission in its deliberations.


The Director of Children’s Services (Designate) advised the Committee that, in the context of change in the Education Service, discussions had been held within his Senior Management Team on options regarding the operation and management of various units within the Department. In the course of these discussions the possibility of exploring a different approach for the PRU was discussed. That discussion had been prompted by difficulties being experienced in managing the PRU. Whilst discussions had taken place, the Director assured members that neither the Management Team nor the Cabinet had taken any decision regarding the option of externalising the management of the PRU. The decision to place the advertisement had been taken in error, by an Interim Manager, who had recently joined the Department with a remit to review the operation and management of the Advisory and Inspection Service, which included the PRU. As soon as the error had come to light the Cabinet Lead Member was advised and letters were sent out to staff explaining the advertisement had been placed prematurely and that no decision had been taken to outsource the management of the PRU. The staff were advised that they would be consulted beforehand if, following a review, a decision were to be made to explore this option. The Director apologised for the error and for the distress caused. The officer responsible had been reprimanded and the Director gave an assurance that measures were being put in place to ensure there was no repetition.


In response to questions by the members the Director advised the Committee that:-


i)                    Officers in ESPO had assumed that the Interim Manager had the authority to place the advertisement.


ii)                  All senior staff within the department had been reminded of the limits of their delegated powers.


iii)                An independent review of the PRU had identified areas of weakness and the need for significant improvements in the operation and the management of the service. An OFSTED inspection had also recently been completed. The formal OFSTED report was awaited. Officers would study that report carefully before preparing an Action Plan on which staff would be consulted.


iv)                The Department had employed 3 Interim Managers/Consultants to assist the Director. Each of these had been provided with an induction which included the decision making process within the County Council.


(v)        A letter had been sent to all staff in the Advice and Inspection Service recognising the distress which the advertisement had caused.


The Chairman then invited Mr. Osborne CC, in his capacity as Chairman of the PRU Management Committee to answer questions from members. In response Mr. Osborne advised that he had not been aware of the advertisement until it had been drawn to his attention. The staff at the PRU were also not aware and the advertisement had caused a great deal of anxiety. As Chairman of the PRU Management Committee he was aware of some of the concerns regarding the operation of the PRU but was of the view that significant progress had been made and that he had advised the OFSTED Inspectors of his unreserved support.


The Chairman thanked the Director of Children’s Services (Designate) for his open and frank answers, and emphasised the importance of ensuring that changes in relation to Education provision in the Children’s Services Department were carefully managed.




a)     That the information now provided be noted


b)     That the Director of Children’s Services be requested to submit a report to the Education Scrutiny Committee the report of the Independent Consultant engaged to review the activities of the PRU and the subsequent OFSTED inspection report.


c)      That the Resources Scrutiny Committee be asked to look at the process of engaging and monitoring the work of consultants, particularly in senior management roles.