Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2007/08 to 2009/10 - Chief Executive's Department Budget.


The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive and Director of Resources concerning the development of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the implications for the Chief Executive’s departmental budget. A copy of the report, marked ‘B’, is filed with these minutes.


In response to questions the Commission was advised as follows:-




·               Discussions had been held with the Leicestershire Constabulary, Primary Care Trust and the seven district councils concerning a contribution towards the cost of servicing the Community Forums. Given their respective financial positions it was unlikely that financial support would be forthcoming from the PCT and the Constabulary. The picture from the District Councils was mixed with some indicating a willingness to consider contributing and others indicating that they would not be able to contribute. The proposals outlined would result in the employment of 3 staff in 2007/08 (comprising one Team Leader (Policy), one Policy Officer and one Committee Officer) with the total staff complement of six officers in 2009/10 (comprising one Team Leader (Policy), two Policy Officers and three Committee officers);


·               Reports on the progress being made on implementing the Community Engagement strategy would be made to the relevant scrutiny committee;


·               The additional £150,000 to reflect the anticipated requirements of the Local Government White Paper would result in the appointment of 2 project managers and a clerical support officer on an on-going basis: initial discussions with district council representatives on achieving service improvements and efficiency savings through shared services had taken place in a constructive manner and it was hoped that specific projects/proposals would be identified soon;


·               The £90,000 for member support was to fund:-


                 an anticipated  increase in scrutiny activity to deal with issues relating to Community Call for Action, Community Safety and scrutiny of partnership/external bodies (£50,000);


                 the appointment of a Personal Administrative Assistant to the Leader, the role having been undertaken up to now by staff from Democratic Services, whose Section workload meant they could no longer undertake this role;


  • There would be no redundancies as a result of the rationalisation of staffing;


  • The saving on advertising costs through greater use of Leicestershire Matters was a net figure: the additional costs of producing six rather than four editions had been offset against the total savings;


  • Work was in hand to investigate ways in which the costs of public notices could be reduced.


Service Reductions


  • The concerns now expressed by members regarding the discontinuation of the grant from the Youth Crime Prevention budget to the Youth Service and in particular the potential loss of influence and leverage were noted: the Leader indicated he would reconsider this proposal.


Capital Programme


  • The additional investment in a colour print press would be offset by additional income: the anticipated payback period was five years. This investment would also provide greater flexibility and enable the service to take on more work currently done externally. It was anticipated that this investment and the work being undertaken through the Change Programme (Organisation Efficiency Stream) would yield savings in departmental budgets.



Other Matters


  • The increase in the subscription budget was to reinstate the subscription paid to Local Government East Midlands which had been taken out of the budget  in 2006/7;


  • An Audit fee of approximately £60,000 would be charged for the Corporate Assessment;


  • The budget line for Tourism related to the grant paid to LeicesterShire Promotions;


  • The sum of £26,976 in the budget for the ‘Political Administration Office’ covered the cost of a secretary who provided support to the Leader and other Cabinet members;


  • It would be difficult to disaggregate the budget for Public Relations and Design given the integrated structure of the service: efforts would be made to provide further information to members




That the report and information now provided on the implications of the Medium Term Financial Strategy for the Chief Executive’s Department be noted and the comments now made be forwarded to the Cabinet.


Supporting documents: