Agenda item

Combined Performance Report - Quarter 2 - 2007/08.


The Commission considered a joint report of the Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources concerning issues on both the revenue budget and key performance indicators where performance is below target. A copy of the report, marked ‘A’, is filed with these minutes.


In response to questions, the Commission was advised as follows:-


  • The Customer Services Centre for Highways, Transportation and Waste would be going live at the end of November. This would be Phase 1 and the intention is to roll out the programme over time to other County Council services starting with Community Services.
  • The Equality Standards target was particularly challenging and the Equalities Board would be considering a plan setting out what actions were needed to achieve the standard.
  • An action plan had been developed to address issues arising from the MORI analysis of the public satisfaction survey and this would be brought to the next meeting of the Commission.


The Director of Corporate Resources advised the Commission that the Local Government Finance Settlement would be announced on 6th December. Given the complexity of the likely changes it might be difficult to produce an analysis of the effect of the settlement in the usual time.




a)                 That the good progress being made in relation to the targets and commitments be noted and that the officers be commended on the new format of reporting financial and performance data;


b)                 That the report be drawn to the attention of the Chairmen and Spokesmen of all Scrutiny Committees inviting them to raise issues as appropriate with the relevant Chief Officers.


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