Agenda item

Question Time.


Mr. Andre Wheeler, a resident in Barwell, asked the following questions under Standing Order 35:-


“1.        When did the Council sign the contract with Galliford Try Plc to build the George Ward Community Centre?


2.         Why was a group of residents in Barwell given £20,000 of tax payers’ money, of which a large part was spent without any checks and balances put in place by the County Council? Can I be reassured that this is not happening in other parts of the County Council?”


The Chairman replied as follows:-


“1.        In line with Constructing Excellence principles, Property Services undertook a tender exercise in 2006 to establish a framework of contractors to procure capital works. The tender was based on a quality / price assessment with the price establishing a % figure for fixed prelims and profit that, pro – rata could be applied to all projects. The framework, whilst not being a specific works contract, is a binding document that sets out the working relationship between the parties including conditions of appointment, the form of contract etc. The agreed form of contract was the NEC option C which works on an open book basis to which the %addition is applied.


A competitive tender to establish a guaranteed maximum price was held between the contractors in July 2008 leading to the appointment of Galliford Try Construction Ltd as principle contractor.


An instruction to proceed was issued by letter on the 14th August 2008 in the sum of £1,725,181 on the basis of the signed framework agreement and the NEC option C contract for the project delivery.


2.         The County Council allocated a grant of £20,000 per year to the George Ward Community Project (GWCP) from 2007/08 to support the local Steering Group in the development of the GWCP and, now that the Centre is open, to contribute toward on-going expenditure and help it to achieve sustainability as soon as possible.


The money has been held by the County Council and allocated to the Group as required. Expenditure was agreed at the multi-agency project board that met monthly until the completion of the Centre in July. Key items, for example were to develop the George Ward Centre website and training, which were approved at the Project Board and the detail discussed at GWCP Committee meetings. Smaller items of expenditure such as travel expenses for Committee Members and printing costs were agreed in principle by the Project Board, with the detail overseen by the GWCP Committee.


The County Council has worked with the volunteers from the GWCP Committee, who have dedicated a significant amount of time to deliver this exciting new Community Centre, to keep the costs of the project down and leave the Centre in the best possible financial position going forward.”

Mr. Wheeler asked the following supplementary question in relation to question 1:-


“Why did the instruction to proceed with building the Centre precede the GWCP Committee’s business plan?”


The Chairman responded that he would ensure that Mr. Wheeler was provided with a written response to his supplementary question.


Mr. Wheeler asked the following supplementary question in relation to question 2:-


“Why were the following key items of expenditure approved by the George Ward Community Project Committee, making use of taxpayer’' money:


·                    A PC maintenance contract worth over £1,000;

·                    Travel expenses amounting to over £400; and

·                    Wep page costs amounting to over £3,000?”


The Chairman responded to the effect of:-


“As stated, all key items of expenditure were agreed by the multi-agency project board and this would have included the two larger amounts stated in the supplementary question.


Smaller items of expenditure, such as travel costs, were overseen by the GWCP Committee. The majority of the travel costs incurred were due to members of the GWCP Committee traveling to and from County Hall. The County Council is thankful to the volunteers involved in the GWCP Committee for their work in ensuring that the project came to fruition.”