Agenda item

Questions asked by members under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5).


Mr. Max Hunt CC asked the Chairman the following questions under Standing Order 7:-


(A)              The Big Society


"Is the Chairman aware that Dorothy Francis, Chief Executive of the Leicestershire Co-operative and Social Enterprise Development Agency, has recently been voted Leicestershire Business Woman of the Year and will he invite her to address members so that we can all understand more about the Big Society which she has practiced in this County over several years."


The Chairman replied as follows:


“Yes, I am aware. I think this is a matter which would be best dealt with by the Big Society Scrutiny Review Panel and so, subject to the Commission agreeing the recommendations of the Panel’s interim report to be discussed later in the agenda, I shall ask Mr. Pain to follow up this request as part of the Panel’s ongoing work.”


(B)       PR and Communications


“Will the Chairman please confirm:


1.         When Westco Ltd. was originally engaged by the County Council, with what brief, over what period and at what cost?

2.         What the original budget for this department was for the financial year 2010/11 and what the current estimated out-turn is?


3.         That the budget for communications will be cut by 40% and indicate the anticipated budget for 2011/2?


4.         What contracts were agreed following the failure to appoint a new head of service?


5.         How much Westco Ltd. has been paid to date and how long their current contract has left to run and at what cost?


6.         How much the current Interim Head of Communications is being paid a month and for how many days per week? What expenses are being paid on top of this and how much these come to each month?


7.         What Mr. Fergus Sheppard’s current role is, for how long will it continue, and how much he is being paid a month, including expenses and whether this falls upon the communications budget?


8.         What staff report directly to the Leader of the Council?


9.         Whether he appreciates the irony that whilst Westco Ltd. specialises in public relations, our association with that company has had a negative effect upon our reputation?


10.       Whether any steps have been taken to correct any inaccuracies or misrepresentations in the recent coverage of our PR/Communications contracts in the press?  If so, what are they and what has been said?

11.       When it is anticipated the department will have a new Head of Communications and how this is to be achieved?”


The Chairman replied as follows:


“I have been provided with the following information to enable me to reply to these questions, as I am required to do under Standing Order 7. However, this is not an issue about which I have any direct knowledge. Therefore, should there be any supplementary questions, I will not be in a position to reply, but will undertake to ensure that they are passed to the appropriate officers for response.


1.                  Westco was appointed in August 2009. Their brief was to undertake a review of the Council’s communications and marketing activities, to assess current performance against best practice and to make recommendations about how improvements in the effectiveness and value for money of communications could be achieved.

The review, which included a one-off survey of Leicestershire residents, concluded in December 2009 at a total cost of £43k.

2.                  In the year 2009/10, total Council spending on communications, marketing, design, information provision and non-recruitment advertising was £3.5m, including staffing costs in all departments and running costs. Of that £3.5m, the ‘corporate’ teams (PR Unit, Design Unit and Corporate Internal Communications) accounted for £1m.

A new centralised Communications Team has been created which incorporates staffing and budgets from across the authority. The new teams became operational on
January 4th 2011. The current forecast is that the team will come in on budget.

3.                  The overall spending on communications (including communications, marketing, design, information provision and non-recruitment advertising) will be reduced by 28% in 2011/12, rising to 52% by the end of 2012/13, against the figure of £3.5m.

The total 2011/12 communications budget will be £2.3m, reducing to £1.7m in 2012/13.

4.                  The arrangement with Westco for the provision of communications advice and interim management was extended to April 2011.



Gross costs

Net costs1

Review and related survey



Interim management









1 Net of cost of vacant Head of Communications post.

6.                  The current Interim Head of Communications is employed by Westco and is paid directly by them. The Council covers the cost of the interim manager’s accommodation of between £350 and £690 per month, depending on offers and discounts. No expenses are paid other than the cost of accommodation.

7.                  His role is to work with the Head of Communications, in particular facilitating access to national media in promoting LCC as a well-respected, innovative and leading local authority. This work forms part of the current arrangement with Westco.  No expenses are paid as part of this work.

8.                  None.

9.                  As I am sure Mr. Hunt will appreciate, I, as Chairman of the Scrutiny Commission, have an obligation to respond to questions from members in an appropriately factual manner. If Mr. Hunt wishes to raise matters for political debate, his questions would be better addressed elsewhere.

10.             Accurate information has been given to the media in response to their questions on the arrangement.


11.             The recruitment of a permanent Head of Communications is currently being considered in light of the new structure and the financial context.”