Agenda item

Questions asked by members under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5).


Mr. Max Hunt CC asked the Chairman the following questions under Standing Order 7(3):-


Third Sector Grants

”1.        In view of some concerns expressed about the financing of the George Ward Community Centre in Barwell, understood to be leased by the George Ward Centre Ltd (GWC Ltd) and owned by the County Council, could the Chairman tell the Commission:

(a)         The estimated annual fixed costs of running the Centre for the next three years;

(b)         The estimated income for the next three years, the sources of that income, and any related costs;

(c)         Who is liable for meeting any deficit, year on year and what reserves are known to be available to GWC Ltd. to meet this;

(d)         The names of the current Trustees/Directors and the other shareholders or body who are responsible for appointing Trustees or Directors?

(e)         To whom and where annual accounts and annual reports are required to be presented annually (apart from Companies House).

2.                  Would he confirm that the County Council will underwrite losses of the Company up to the value of £20,000 per annum until 2012/3 and that £20,000 has already been paid in 2010?

3.                  How many other community facilities in receipt of financial support from the County Council are managed by companies limited by guarantee, and could he list these?

4.                  Given that some personal responsibility and a level of financial liability falls upon individual Directors or Trustees when managing community facilities, what training and advice does the County Council offer to prevent such companies from getting into personal or collective difficulties?

5.                  Can he confirm which community organisations (other than Parish or Town Councils) managing such facilities and in receipt of grants from the County Council, have submitted Annual Accounts for the last financial year and how many are outstanding?”


The Chairman replied as follows:-


”1.        The George Ward Community Centre is owned by Leicestershire County Council and is leased to the George Ward Centre Ltd.

(a)       The estimated costs of running the Centre are as follows:


§                     2010/11 - £70,612;

§                     2011/12 - £99,938;

§                     2012/13 - £103,266.

(b)       The estimated income for the Centre is as follows;

§                                             2010/11 - £75,026;

§                                             2011/12 - £101,088;

§                                             2012/13 - £114,599.

The principal sources of income are room rental, event hire, County Council funding and a County Council utility contribution reflecting the utility costs of the library located within the Centre.

(The figures in the answers to (a) and (b) for 2010/11 reflect the opening of the Centre from July 2010 onwards. All estimates are for a March to February financial year. Alternative projections based on additional staff and room rental projections have also been prepared by the Company.)

(c)               George Ward Community Centre Ltd. is responsible for managing the Centre, including meeting any deficit that may arise. Reserves have not yet been generated within the time the centre has been in operation;

(d)               The current Directors of the company are Tricia Smith, Ken Barsby and Paul Cooney. The current Directors were appointed by a meeting of the George Ward Community Project Group held on 12 January 2010. The Directors will stand down for an election of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of George Ward Centre Ltd. to be held in April 2011;

(e)               Annual accounts and reports are to be provided to the County Council, which is providing tapered revenue funding to help enable the Company to establish as a sustainable operation. This funding amounts to a total of £180,000 over three years from the opening of the Centre.

2.                  This year, two quarterly payments of £20,000 each have been made. There is no commitment to underwrite any losses at the Centre.

3.                  Community centre facilities in receipt of funding from the County Council and managed by companies limited by guarantee are as follows:

§                     Rosebery St Peter's Community Centre, Loughborough;

§                     Fearon Hall, Loughborough;

§                     Shree Ram Krishna Centre, Loughborough;

§                     Gorse Covert Community Centre, Loughborough;

§                     Hugglescote, Snibston and Ellistown Community Centre;

§                     Westfield Community Development Association, Hinckley.


4.                  The County Council does not provide training on financial liability issues, but would expect organisations to seek advice and information as necessary from relevant organisations such as the Charity Commission. Voluntary Action LeicesterShire can also assist with advice and providing contacts for information.

5.                  Annual accounts have been received from the following community organisations that are responsible for managing the above facilities:

§                     Rosebery St Peter's Community Centre Ltd.;

§                     Fearon Community Association Ltd.;

§                     Gorse Covert Community Centre, Loughborough;

§                     Hugglescote, Snibston and Ellistown Community Centre.

Draft accounts have been provided by Westfield Community Development Association and audited accounts are to be provided at the
AGM on 11 November. The accounts for the Shree Ram Krishna Centre are expected later this month.”


Mr. Hunt asked the following supplementary question in relation to Question 1:


“Can I be provided with further information in relation to the accountability of Management Committees and Public Limited Companies?”


The Chairman replied to the effect of:


“I think this is a matter on which you are entitled to seek officer advice on outside this Committee.”