Agenda item

Leicester City Council Consultation on Gypsy and Traveller Sites.


The Commission considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources concerning consultations being undertaken by Leicester City Council on the possibility of establishing authorised Gypsy and Traveller sites in the north west of the City. A copy of the report, marked ‘D’, together with a report on the matter to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 3 April are filed with these minutes.


The Local Members for Birstall and Bradgate, Mr. R. M. Wilson CC and Mr. E. D. Snartt CC respectively, had submitted comments on the Commission report. The comments of both members are filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed Mr. Wilson CC to the meeting to outline his concerns about the identification of the sites. Mr. Wilson reported his concerns about developing sites on greenbelt, which was contrary to the new National Planning Policy Framework. He had asked the Council to organise a community meeting to discuss the proposals and give residents an opportunity to outline their concerns and this meeting had been attended by over 400 local residents. It was his concern that their had been a lack of consultation on behalf of the City Council, though he welcomed an invitation which he had since received from the Chair of the City’s Economic Development, Culture & Tourism Scrutiny Commission to be a part of a review of the matter.


Arising from a debate on the matter, the following comments were noted:


  • Prior to arriving at the three sites in question, over 350 sites had been assessed and rejected by the City Council. A view was expressed that the location of these sites and the reasons for their rejection should be made publicly available;

  • The process had exposed some weaknesses in the consultation process and the need for the City and County Councils to work more closely on cross border issues;

  • The City Mayor’s announcement of a full review of the process was welcomed. It was hoped that this would lead to greater local member involvement in the process;

  • The 2007 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment was due to be refreshed. Members expressed a wish to be kept informed of the outcome of this process.



(a)                           That the Cabinet be advised that the Commission:


(i)     supports the comments set out in paragraphs 14 to 16 and 23 to 29 of the report of the Director of Corporate Resources as the formal comments of the County Council;

(ii)   notes and supports the comments now submitted by Messrs Wilson and Snartt and requests that they be submitted alongside the formal County Council response;

(iii) requests that clarification be sought from Leicester City Council on the current status of the consultation, given that:


(a)               the press statement and letter from Sir Peter Soulsby to the Chair of the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Scrutiny Committee would seem to imply that additional sites may be identified following the Scrutiny Review;

(b)               the City Council consultation webpage still refers to the three sites previously identified and only extends the consultation time period to 13 July;

(iv)  requests that Leicester City Council be asked to make available details of all areas that were identified and assessed as potential sites;


(b)                                       That the offer from Leicester City Council Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Scrutiny Committee to receive evidence and comments be welcomed and that the Chairman of the Commission be requested to write to draw attention to the decision outlined above.


(c)                                       That it be noted that in the light of the new National Planning Framework and other developments a refresh of the 2007 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) will be undertaken.


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