Agenda item

Leicestershire Supporting Families Programme - Update.

The Chief Executive will deliver a presentation under this item.



The Commission considered a report and presentation of the Chief Executive concerning an update on the progress of the Supporting Leicestershire Families (SLF) Programme. A copy of the report, marked ‘Item 10’, together with the slides forming the presentation, is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman explained that, prior to approval for the new Overview and Scrutiny structure being gained at full County Council later in June, the matter of the SLF Programme was being reported to the Commission as part of an interim arrangement. It was noted that the Scrutiny Commissioners would need to address the issue of where the SLF Programme would be considered in future.


Arising from the presentation, the following comments were noted:


·                     It would be possible to get an indication of what was being achieved through the Programme in approximately six months’ time, particularly in respect of early intervention work. A new Performance Framework of key performance indicators had been developed for the SLF which would aid understanding of how successful the Programme was proving. Measurement of such a complex Programme was not easy and it was felt that, ultimately, the best measurement of success would be the extent to which families were being empowered to be less dependent upon public services because they were functioning successfully as family units;

·                     As a result of the Programme, a number of “hard” and “soft” outcomes were expected. Hard outcomes would be identified through statistical data, such as ASB incidents, use of GP services, reduced crimes, child protection plans and poor school attendance. Soft outcomes would be more difficult to measure, but would be indicated, for instance, through reduced service call-outs and children with up-to-date immunisations. It was pleasing that, thus far, only one family had refused the help offered;


·                     Family Support Workers, who would be working directly with troubled families, were required to have Level 3 NVQ as a minimum. Workers would have specialties in different areas, such as children and youth justice. Those who would be engaged in social work were required to have Level 5 qualifications as a minimum. In recognising the complexity of the work to be carried out, staff would work on a flexible basis to ensure that they were well placed to respond to issues outside of office hours;

·                     Staff would be allocated a small amount of funds to purchase bus fares and other low cost items as were deemed essential to contribute to improved outcomes for families. Staff would also seek to access available funds from charities and other funding sources known to them;

·                     The trigger point for families to enter the SLF Programme would be multiple issues in the family such as unemployment, drug and alcohol problems, poor school attendance, poor parenting and anti-social behaviour. Regular “hub” meetings were held in each district locality to bring together a number of agencies and discuss amongst officers which services such a family would benefit from. If more than one service was likely to be required, it was expected that the SLF would take ownership of that family’s needs. It was noted that a family presenting with safeguarding issues would be dealt with by social workers within the Council’s Children and Young People’s Service;

·                     The SLF had a partnership-pooled budget for three years. Beyond this point, it was for the SLF to prove its success and then engage all partners in a commitment to continue the work to ensure it obtained the necessary funding to continue operations.



(a)          That the approach taken to provide holistic support to troubled families via the SLF Programme be commended and that the update provided be noted;

(b)          That a further update on the performance of the SLF Programme be submitted to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny body in six months’ time;

(c)          That a copy of the new SLF Performance Framework be circulated to all members of the Commission for information.

Supporting documents: