Agenda item

2012/13 Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn.


The Commission considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources concerning the Council’s 2012/13 Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn. A copy of the report, marked ‘Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from the debate, the following points were noted:


·         The Environment and Transport Departments’ financial position had been affected by the severe winter weather, which had equated to a net overspend of £200,000. This was becoming a trend year-on-year and it was reported that it might be necessary to top-up the budget to take account of less predictable weather in future;

·         The net underspend relating to the work of the Police and Crime Panel was largely due to the need to administer a complaints process, which had yet to be required and to the early stage of development of the Panel which had only just begun its work;

·         The risk assessment of the Capital Programme would be reported as part of a quarterly capital monitoring report to the Commission at its meeting on 4 September.



That the report be noted.


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