Agenda item

Proposed Withdrawal of Discretionary Elements of the Concessionary Travel Scheme - Outcome of Consultation.

The Cabinet Lead Member for Transportation, Mr. P. C. Osborne CC, has been invited for this item.



The Commission considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport concerning the outcome of the public consultation into proposals to withdraw the discretionary elements of the Concessionary Travel Scheme. A copy of the report, marked ‘Item 9’ is filed with these minutes.


Following circulation of the Commission agenda, a supplementary report of the Director of Environment and Transport to the Cabinet meeting on 9 July outlining the proposals arising from the consultation had been circulated to the Commission. In considering the matter, the Commission had regard to a further supplementary Cabinet report, which reported the complete findings of the consultation exercise which closed on 30 June. A copy of both supplementary reports is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed the Cabinet Lead Member for Highways and Transport, Mr. P. C. Osborne CC, to the meeting, who was present to introduce the report and respond to questions.


As part of the introduction to the item, it was reported that the proposals were part of the agreed Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) in 2012/15. The Council currently spent £5.26 million on the statutory English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS) (£4.9 million on the Older Person’s Pass and £360,000 on the Disabled Pass). A saving of £270,000 had been identified from the discretionary elements provided, in addition to the main ENCTS from 1 September 2013. The ENCTS would remain unaffected by the proposals.


The proposed savings (which only related to the discretionary element of the Scheme, funded by the County Council) were outlined as follows:


o    Free travel for disabled concessionary pass holders before 9.30am Monday to Friday: £20,000

o    Free travel after 11.00pm Monday to Friday for disabled and older concessionary pass holders: £10,000

o    £33 of vouchers for use on local taxi and bus services as an alternative to the statutory concession scheme if the applicant is disabled or lives over 800 metres from a frequent bus service: £80,000

o    Half fare on community transport services: £160,000

The proposals would affect 120,000 older person concessionary pass holders, 8,500 disabled person concessionary pass holders and 3,600 holders of travel vouchers.

In response to concerns expressed, the Commission was advised as follows:

·           Pre 9.30am free disabled transport – the alternative would be payment of a fare or later travel when the free scheme was applicable;


·           Post 11.00pm transport – the alternative would be payment of a fare or earlier travel;

·           Whilst it was recognised that the loss of taxi vouchers would affect those in rural areas with no regular bus services and those disabled persons who were unable to use less frequent buses, community transport and Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)  would be available to such persons;

·           Concessionary travel passes could be used on DRT and the ongoing review of the supported bus network was looking at an expansion of DRT where it was uneconomic to operate a scheduled bus service;

·           Whilst the proposed changes to Community Transport charges would have an impact; it was not thought that this would affect the viability of the service;

·           Care would be taken in the communication of the changes to those affected.


That the concerns and comments made in response to the proposed changes to Concessionary Travel Scheme be drawn to the attention of the Cabinet.


Supporting documents: