Agenda item

Development of a Revised Prevention and Early Intervention Offer.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities which advised members on the development of a revised prevention and early intervention offer within the Adults and Communities Department. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed Mrs J Dickinson CC, Cabinet Support Member for Adult Social Care, to the meeting for this and other items. Mrs Dickinson noted that the revised prevention and early intervention offer would allow opportunity for a more detailed and focused commissioning process. It would also need to provide value for money. The timetable for the development of the new proposals gave sufficient opportunity to ensure that the revised offer would be robust. Through this timetable the Committee would be given further opportunity to comment on the proposals. 


Written comments on the development of a revised prevention and early intervention offer had been received from Healthwatch Leicestershire, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. With consent of the Chairman, Ms Fiona Barber spoke on behalf of Healthwatch Leicestershire and acknowledged that the appropriate level of early intervention varied between communities. It was often older people who needed the most care and knowing at what point to put prevention and early intervention in place could be challenging.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)       The Committee welcomed the consultation that was to be undertaken with those organisations which currently held contracts with Leicestershire County Council (LCC) that formed part of the newly defined Early Intervention and Prevention proposals;


(ii)     It was suggested that the membership of the Prevention Advisory Board, which currently comprised of County Council officers, should be amended to include an external representative to act in a critical friend role. It was explained that the Board had only met once and that its membership would be revised on a regular basis. Consideration would also be given to including a representative from Healthwatch. However, it was recognised that the Board could not represent all stakeholders. A number of different engagement exercises were planned to ensure that all appropriate groups had their views and specific needs identified, which could result in the establishment of other stakeholder groups;


(iii)    Identifying the possible consequences of the removal of funding for lower priority services would be essential to avoid the need for more intensive care and support services in the future. As a result, risk assessments were being carried out as a central part of the review process;


(iv)    Referrals to prevention and early intervention services came through various streams. Often referrals were made by GPs or Social Workers; there were also cases of self-referral. It was intended that the referral process would be clearer and more methodical as a result of the review. The review would also target people requiring services so they were made aware and had access to them. Difficult to access groups such as rural and Black Minority Ethnic (BME) communities required appropriate in-reach programmes. The County Council operated a First Contact Scheme and offered signposting, information and advice services to help ensure that people were channelled into the right services;


(v)     The Committee noted that it was often easier for County residents who lived in the greater Leicester area to access services in the City and the County Council needed to ensure that arrangements were in place so that residents had access to City services where appropriate. It was explained that funding from the County and City for services was pro-rata to the population served. Often organisations were centrally located in the City but supported County residents. The County Council would need to be aware of the impact on the City if County funding was withdrawn;


(vi)    The Committee requested that information be provided on discreet procurement packages as referred to in the report Appendix.  It was explained that some services provided through prevention and early intervention already formed part of a discreet procurement package. Some services had recently been commissioned and others would be reviewed when their contract expired;


(vii)   It was suggested that although the proposed consultation took account of the views of commissioners, it did not adequately seek to consult with service users. However, it was explained that the consultation would not be focused on reviewing individual services and users but instead be strategic in nature, identifying where to target future service and where investment should lie;


(viii) Revised prevention and early intervention services would better allow the County Council to control the demand for personal budgets as these services were used as a means of avoiding the need for more resource intensive social care. It was expected that the new model for services would deliver better outcomes and reduce costs;


(ix)    It was explained to the Committee that Lunch Clubs were based in local venues around the County and were set up to provide balanced and affordable meals in local community settings, often transport was also provided to the venue. Lunch Clubs run by the County Council were open to any resident over the age of 50. The review would consider the best way to deliver these services in the future;


(x)     Concern was expressed by the Committee that some contract providers would need to seek alternative funding streams if their contracts with the County Council were altered or discontinued. It was explained that the County Council would need to review how its funding was being used to deliver the best outcomes going forward. Partnership working with the districts would be essential in ensuring that all resources were used to best effect. Appropriate communication would be vital in ensuring that the public were engaged with the review effectively.       





a)    That the report be noted;


b)    That a further report be submitted to this Committee in the spring as part of the consultation process;


c)    That information on discreet procurement packages be circulated to members of the Committee.


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