Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2014/15-2017/18 - Chief Executive's Department.

The following Cabinet Lead Members have been invited to attend for this item:


Mr. R. Blunt CC (Minerals and Planning)

Mr. J. T. Orson JP CC (Safer Communities)

Mr. B. L. Pain CC (Economic Development and Community Engagement)

Mrs. P. Posnett CC (Trading Standards)

Mr. J. B. Rhodes CC (Corporate Resources)



The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources concerning the proposed Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2014/15 – 2017/18 as relating to the Chief Executive’s Department. A copy of the report, marked “Agenda Item 10”, is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the following Cabinet Lead Members for the Chief Executive’s Department:


·                Mr. R. Blunt CC, Cabinet Lead Member for County Council Planning and Minerals;

·                Mr. J. T. Orson JP CC, Cabinet Lead Member for Safer Communities;

·                Mrs. P. Posnett CC, Cabinet Lead Member for Trading Standards and Shire Grants.


The Chief Executive introduced the report and drew attention to the need to review how support services provided by the Department were to be delivered in the future. The Department was required to make savings of £4.7 million and the proposals now put forward sought to reflect the themes emerging from the public consultation undertaken on the MTFS last year.


With regard to the transfer of the Supporting Leicestershire Families (SLF) programme, the Youth Offending Service (YOS) and the Community Safety Team, the Chief Executive reminded members that this had always been the intention and was now taking place as a new Director of Children and Families had now been appointed.




S71 – provision and refocusing of grants to individuals and community groups: £430,000 reduction in 2014/15


Members were advised that the proposals were to reduce the number of existing grant streams and to merge these into a single Shire Grants programme. The concerns expressed by members that support for communities was being reduced at a time when the County Council was also seeking to get local communities to take over certain services provision (eg. libraries) were noted. Members were advised that a review of the “Communities in Charge” programme was being undertaken with a view to determining how the County Council would support local communities in future including matters such as providing library services. The findings of this review would be reported to the Transformation Board in the near future.


S72 – Funding and support to agencies: £210,000 reduction in 2014/15 rising to £590,000 in 2015/16


Members were advised that good practice required draft equalities impact assessments to be prepared which would be revised in the light of responses to processes of consultation. The Leader stated that he recognised the good work that a number of voluntary and community groups undertook but that, given the financial pressures on the Council, it was only reasonable for them to contribute towards the savings requirement.


S75 – Review Planning, Historic and Natural Environment Services: £70,000 reduction in 2014/15 rising to £120,000 in 2015/16, to £160,000 in 2016/17 and to £180,000 in 2017/18


The County Council had been recording and maintaining historic and environmental records for a number of years. These records were necessary when dealing with planning matters. The County Council was keen to continue to maintain these records, but could only do so if other users (principally, district councils) made a contribution to the cost. The County Council would continue to look for appropriate opportunities to make charges to developers for services provided to them.


S77 – Trading Standards reduced enforcement, inspection and testing activity: £100,000 reduction in 2014/15 rising to £180,000 in 2015/16 and to £250,000 in 2016/17


In identifying the areas where savings were to be realised, the Department was mindful of the need to ensure that services which directly focused on public protection matters were not adversely affected. Examples of this included counterfeit goods which could cause harm, the illicit production of alcohol, underage sales and other activities to safeguard the human food chain. With regard to the recording of farm animal movements, this was now being discontinued, as the function had transferred to Defra.


S79 – Cease contribution towards Police Community Support Officer: £430,000 reduction in 2014/15

Members noted that the Police and Crime Commissioner had indicated that he was proposing to use £2 million of reserves to fund existing and additional Police Community Support Officers.


S80 – Review of IMPACT programme and the Youth Offending Service: £350,000 reduction in 2015/16, rising to £440,000 in 2016/17 and to £550,000 in 2017/18


Members were advised that there were currently 30 IMPACT workers operating in 20 areas of the County. Anti-social behaviour levels had reduced significantly over the last few years and the intention was to reduce the number of workers and areas covered, but not the quality of the service.


Other Funding


Members were advised that the Police and Crime Panel grant allocation referred to in paragraph 33 the report had yet to be confirmed. The Youth Offending Service grant allocation was expected to be reduced by 8%.


With regard to the grant funding for the SLF programme, members were advised that the County Council needed to demonstrate to the Government that the programme was delivering the necessary savings. The County Council was working with the Department of Communities and Local Government on this issue. There was also a need to demonstrate the effectiveness of this programme to partners, including the Clinical Commissioning Groups, who had contributed approximately £2 million into this programme.




(a)  That the report and information now provided be noted;


(b)  That the comments made at this meeting be forwarded to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 4 February 2014.


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