Agenda item

Consideration of Responses from and Information Requested by Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

The purpose of this item is to enable consideration of the responses of the following Overview and Scrutiny Committees to their respective areas of the Medium Term Financial Strategy:


·         Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·         Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·         Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·         Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Commission considered a supplementary report setting out the responses to their respective areas of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) of the Adults and Communities, Children and Families, Environment and Transport and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees, together with any further information requested in relation to the MTFS. A copy of the supplementary report is filed with these minutes.


Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee


S34 – New models of early intervention and prevention support


Members were advised that the intention was to bring a detailed report on the potential list of organisations affected to the Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to the implementation of the savings proposal.


S37 – Reduction in funding for community libraries


The concerns now expressed about the loss of community libraries and the impact it would have on local communities was noted. As reported earlier, the County Council was reviewing its “Communities in Charge” programme and, as part of that review, would be addressing the support structures that would need to be in place to enable local communities successfully to take over the running of local services to ensure their sustainability.


S35 – Redevelopment of Snibston Discovery Museum


Members noted the additional information now provided in relation to contingent liabilities and covenants. The Leader indicated that, whilst noting the concerns that had been expressed, it was not possible to continue to subsidise Snibston Museum at its current level. The County Council would therefore be asked to agree a reduction in the level of support for Snibston and a refocus of its activities. With regard to the contingent liability in relation to the fashion gallery, the Leader stated that, were it possible to accommodate the display at another accredited museum, the Heritage Lottery Fund would be informed. With regard to the gallery building, the Leader reminded members of the Commission that there were significant structural problems with the building.


The County Council remained committed to ensuring that the Scheduled Ancient Monument would be maintained, and to date, the County Council had spent in access of £2 million in support of this.




(a)  That the supplementary report be noted;

(b)  That the comments made at this meeting be forwarded to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 4 February 2014.


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