Jenny Lawrence talked through the 2014/15 Schools Budget
paper and the following points were noted:-
Para 11 – Jenny reported that information
had now been provided to the EFA and they had come back to declare that 2014/15
formula complies with all the regulations.
Draft budgets allocations were released to schools last week.
Para 14, item 4 – proposal to move early years
expenditure into Dedicated Schools Grant.
The Local Authority intention is that all early years expenditure should
be funded from DSG.
Para 12 - Richard Spurr
asked if the dataset was available.
Jenny outlined that reference around age range pupil numbers information
had been made available to schools in November.
Jenny to look back to see if can release that information on a section
by section basis, although Section 251 details budgets all maintained schools,
may be a more useful document.
Para 14 - David Thomas – approval of £2.5M
central early years expenditure – can we increase? Jenny - yes budget proposals include this
Alex Green – funding pupil number growth – would
that amount come from the capital allocation rather than taking money from
DSG? Jenny - no, wrong sort of money –
it is capital money for the provision of pupil places, can
not use that for revenue purposes.
Alex Green – in relation to statutory duties for
LA – may well lessen as percentage to match with academy conversion, have less
statutory duties so is the percentage retained now less?
Jenny – no, work done through LGA
in the run up to 2013/14 budgets to try and identify cost associated with
statutory duties. Had to take cost
savings from the overall County Council budget.
AGREED: (Paragraph 14) -
Recommendation 3 – Funding for the Local Authority in order to meet prescribed
statutory duties placed upon it.
AGREED: Recommendation 4 – Funding for Early Years Expenditure.
Jean Lewis – miscellaneous commissioning budget
for Schools Causing Concern – were they reduced or have they remained the
same? Jenny confirmed that budget had
always been maintained at that level, fewer schools now but work with those
schools is increasing.
Item 3 - Premature Retirement Costs – Alex Green
- what does that affect? Jenny - overall
budget is £2M largely teaching staff in schools that retired, allowed to take
early release of pension. DSG cannot
meet any new costs, they fall to the Local Authority.
Jenny reported we are awaiting information of
what School Funding Reform 2015/16 will bring.
No sight of consultation yet. Expect that to refer to Schools Block of that
element, will not touch Early Years or High Needs
High Needs – this block is based on levels of
historic spend. 2014/15 first full year
LA funded High Needs places academies and providers FE colleges. This element of settlement is one the EFA
continually keep changing. This is a
provisional allocation – detail to be received end of March. Post-16 pupils data now more robust – we believe
this block is over-estimated.
Para 17 - Early Years Block now includes funding
for extension 40% most deprived 2 year olds, which will be a statutory duty for
Local Authorities from September 2014.
Para 19 – made switch from Schools Block to High
Needs Block. One change in settlement is
that schools are no longer required to participate in LA Carbon Reduction
Scheme. EFA removal of £0.53M of funding
yet the budget was £0.45M so this change is not cost neutral at LA level
David Thomas - High Needs – data suggests final
settlement a lot lower – how much lower than £54.1M? Jenny - we think it will go down by about
£1.6M - we know nationally fixed pot of money we know number of high needs
growing, we have been particularly cautious.
David Lloyd – Leicestershire’s funding low. Jenny - 2015/16 introduction of Fair Funding Formula,
no guarantee that will change funding position.
National Fair Funding is saying that it is not going to fund every pupil
in every authority at the same rate but to fund pupils with the same need at
the same rate irrespective of the authority in which they are educated.
Leicestershire low need authority – levels of deprivation, pockets but we won’t
trigger a lot of those allocations.
Mr Ould fed back from an F40 meeting held last
Thursday at the Houses of Commons. Mr
Ould, as Chair of F40 and Vice Chairs: Nick Bacon, Robin Walker and Nick Harvey
wrote to Michael Gove to ask why a deprived child in a non-deprived authority
was worth £700 less than similar child in a deprived authority.
Seem to be struggling with a general lack of
understanding about academies understanding that the LA formula is taken to
create academy budgets. Message needs to
get to schools that any decisions are going to affect mainstream schools and
Jenny stated that School Formula was unchanged
from 2013/14. It was the view of the
Working Group and Schools’ Forum that we need to take 2014/15 as a period of
relative stability.
Two significant changes: 1 pupil number count
for schools affected by age range changes which is funded from a reduction in
the ceiling.
Para 23 – Jenny reported a surprise settlement
on school copyright charges – schools will not receive invoices for some
copyright now and these will be funded from the Schools Block settlement. There is no inflation added to individual
school budgets, therefore remains at flat level.
Para 26 - 2 formula factors redefined by EFA:
Primary prior attainment data
Secondary – pupils not achieving level 4 English
and Maths to level 4 English or Maths – widened the cohort of pupils
- Para 27 – formula had to
be submitted to EFA by
20 January – estimates for payment of rates for schools now locked into
2014/15 budgets and now cannot change them. Schools will get additional funding but
not until 2015/16. Schools for one
year only may enter into a deficit situation.
- Para 28 - looked again at
rate we remove recoupment for excluded pupils – finance regulations
changing – should now be based on levels per pupil led funding. Now calculated average per pupil.
- Para 29 - more anxiety in
schools around statutory duty to offer infant free school meals.
- A series of finance
briefings held last week – advice to schools is to ignore free school
meals offer until further information is received, then more
advice/workshops may be held.
- Para 30 - Heather Sewell
raised concerns that primary schools may enter into deficit budgets.
- Mr Ould – infant free
school meals causes anxiety - how can schools forward plan, issues over
insurance. Consider writing re
difficult position schools being put in not having sufficient financial
- Jean – understood losing
all money for free school meals – makes KS2 pupils receive free school
meals no one paying. Jenny said
there is an allocation in the budget for free school meals, although lower
in Leicestershire.
- Jenny - the cost of meals
spread evenly across schools, the new formula not allowed to provide
formula for any particular function, new basis of charging, created some
issues, free infant meals, transport issues have an impact we are thinking
around that.
- EFA not started
consultation about infant free school meals.
AGREED: Jenny and Tim
Moralee to draft a letter outlining concerns - for Schools’ Forum to comment
before sending to the EFA.
- Pages 32-34 background on
Pupil Premium. 2014/15 unit payable
increased as have the cohorts entitled to funding. This financial year figures not updated
until end of summer term, difficult planning period for schools. Advising schools to try and estimate
your value as best you can, cohort of pupils.
- Julie Kennedy - premium
conference recently attended – moved to that fact it would stay but
looking at making savings to pupil premium. Looking at ways of reducing expenditure.
- Age range changes and pupil
growth – reported at the last meeting, Secretary of State approved
Leicestershire’s proposals to age range changes to schools – confirm draft
and final – both which cleared all the validation checks at the EFA.
- Place planning issues –
discussed at last meeting. School
place planning – due at the Overview & Scrutiny Committee in
March. Needs to come out to schools
for comment. May mean 2014/15 may
be in 2015/16. Budget today makes
no financial provision for those changes but holds in reserve. Not considered within this budget.
- New school places
September – we do not get funded until next financial year, but have to
provide those places.
- Age range changes
funding come from Dedicated Schools Grant.
- Mr Ould – issue of
provision places – County Council does not determine Section 106 element –
district council meeting, put in for £57,000 funding – there is a
shortfall of places.
- 106 money to be used
within certain time. Some
agreements never started.
High Needs funding – not hugely
significant changes.
- 2014/15 first full
financial year that we have these changes – more confident now about
information we have.
- One change in terms of
funding arrangements - post 16 pupils and academies – reduced to £10,000
in line with pre-16 funding.
- Early Learning &
Childcare – a slight amendment to formula to reflect changes in
legislation. Local Authority
previously supplemented funding, that is no longer allowed now moved to be
purely on Ofsted rating.
- Para 47 – Dedicated
Schools Grant reserve – provides information about what is in reserve and
what LA proposes for that reserve.
- £1.2M used school rates,
and also changes to copyright licencing.
Retaining £2.5M sponsorship academy conversion.
All schools moving into
sponsorship are issued with a Notice of Concern. Academy sponsors can place
significant pressure on schools to shed costs before converting, we need to
ensure governing bodies taking right decisions on behalf of the school.
- £2.7M retained for
protection for schools that go into age range changes in the future.
- Estimated unallocated of
DSG reserve – proposal to roll forward.
We are asking Schools’ Forum to support the use of the DSG reserve
- David Thomas – notional SEN
budget should fund 2 aspects – low cost high incident and element 2
funding. Some LAs providing funding
for exceptional SEN costs.
- Jenny –in setting the
2013/14 formula schools did not support LA holding money back. Need to look at moving forward 2015/16 –
looking at data, affected by high needs pupils. We used to hold contingency fund for
unexpected SEN pupils moving into schools.
- EFA requested information
on what the LA would do if schools notional SEN budget did not cover all
element 2 costs.
- Jenny said it would not
be possible to get something in place until the autumn term at the
earliest. We need to collect data
from schools. If there is funding
we can look for future years. At
the moment all funding in the budget (High Needs Block) is allocated. If contingency we can look at it. It
will be necessary to revisit SEN funding once the new Education, Health
and Care Plans are introduced.
- Mr Ould – will have to
keep SEN funding under review.
- Para 48-51 – LA Budget -
sets out growth and savings.
Proposals taken to Children & Families Overview and Scrutiny
Committee and two separate Cabinet reports. At the moment, no proposals to change to
County Council proposals.
- LA savings proposals next
4 years – savings are 22% of CYPS overall budget.
- Karen raised concerns
regarding £1M savings from Supporting Leicestershire Families Programme –
access to Social Care support remains a real concern.
- Supporting Leicestershire
Families – Heads are still extremely concerned, do not feel they are
getting the support they need.
- Saving proposals are
phased over 4 years. .
- Mr Ould – if we get
Supporting Families programme right should lead to reduction in number of
dysfunctional families, reduction in number of child protection plans - what
appears to be a cut will become a natural outcome.
- Brian Myatt – Supporting
Families huge success. Disappointed
that – different programmes operate in different areas, programme
relatively at infancy – still issue – where established working really
well and impact memorable will be seen over time.
- Para 54 – Capital
Programme – allocation £55M based upon need for LA to deliver additional
places, may be in academies, free schools, maintained schools. LA want to use that funding to ensure it
delivers the best solution for children in Leicestershire linked to school
place planning.
- 2014/15 allocation just
over £4M – discussions with academy sponsors have resulted in additional
expenditure. The longer it takes
academy to become sponsored the risk increases of a large deficit
reverting back to the Local Authority.
- Jenny – Local
Authorities allowed to set up a diseconomies of scale fund – allowing them
to fund empty places if there is a demographic need for school places in
the future, but can only do this for good or outstanding schools.
Recommendation 7 – to note the retention of DSG reserve.
- Recommendation 8 - David
T –an alternative proposal to recommend looking at schools affected by
disproportionate SEN costs and defer decision .
Jenny – need to look at school
funding for the following year, and particularly SEN funding in the light of
Education, Health and Care plans.
- Would have to withdraw
school budgets unless agreement on the process to follow if school
notional SEN budgets were insufficient to fund element 2, response was
required by the EFA in January which did not give time to discuss with
Schools’ Forum.
Recommendation 8 (Paragraph 8) - SEN Notional Budget.
- Forum members talk to
their schools and see what evidence can be identified that shows
disproportionate SEN costs, LA has tried to do that before, but found that
schools cannot evidence
disproportionate level of SEN, and if we were to say that there
would be more funding in these instances all schools would claim they were
adversely affected.
Recommendation 9 -
Early Years Single Funding Formula
School’ Forum noted
the payments rates.