Agenda item

Better Care Fund Update.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive which provided an update on the work in progress by the County Council, the two Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and the Health and Wellbeing Board to finalise the Better Care Fund Plan for Leicestershire, for submission to the Department for Health by 4th April 2014. A copy of the report, marked ‘6’, together a supplementary report which  presented the final draft of the Better Care Fund Plan for Leicestershire and supporting papers, as outlined in paragraph 5 of the main report to Cabinet, is filed with these minutes.


The Cabinet noted comments received from Dr. T. Eynon CC, marked ‘6A’, a copy of which is filed with these minutes.


Mr. White welcomed the continued work on integration between health and social care functions in Leicestershire and confirmed questions raised in Dr. Eynon’s submission would be responded to in writing.




That the Better Care Fund Plan now submitted be supported and that the Health and Wellbeing Board be advised accordingly.




To ensure that the Cabinet is informed of developments in respect of the revised draft Better Care Fund Plan.


Supporting documents: