Agenda item

Consultation on proposals for changes in the delivery of Community Library Services.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Adults and Communities which invited the Committee to comment, as part of the consolation exercise, on changes to the way community library services were to be delivered by the County Council in order to make the required savings in line with the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman advised the Committee that written representations had been received in relation to proposals for changes in the delivery of Community Library Services, copies of which were circulated to members and are filed with these minutes, as follows:


·         Leicestershire UKIP Group proposals ‘The Option for an Industrial and Provident Society Model’

·         Comments received from Mr. S. D. Sheahan CC

·         Comments received from Mr Geoffrey Smith, Trustee of the Quorn Old School


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the Cabinet Lead Member for Heritage, Culture and Arts, Mr. R. Blunt CC, for this and other items. Mr. Blunt advised the Committee that public meetings had begun to take place at a local level as part of the consultation. These meetings were designed to be ‘open floor exercises’, allowing people to put their ideas and views forward. The County Council was also considering work other local authorities had been undertaking in this area to gain a better understanding of how community run libraries could work in Leicestershire. 


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)     The consultation would help to gauge public enthusiasm for running community libraries. Libraries were, in some cases, local assets that were being underused. By placing libraries in the hands of local communities their usage as key community hubs could be increased;


(ii)    The Committee expressed support for a community partnership approach to the running of community libraries but queried the potential for closure of libraries where community groups did not come forward. It was explained that as a result of the engagement already undertaken the likely level of interest in running libraries was known. This would be used as the basis for developing sustainable proposals;   


(iii)   The Committee had some concern at the ability of parish councils to retain sufficient volunteers for community run libraries to meet long term user demand. It was explained that potential interest in volunteering had been gauged and sustainable plans would need to be developed and assessed once the outcomes of the public consultation exercise were determined. Specialist advice would be available to volunteers to help ensure that they were provided with the necessary skills to deliver an efficient service. It was noted that there was already a high number of people already volunteered in local community services. It was also noted that online library related services would still be available;


(iv)   The Committee noted that an extensive EHRIA had been undertaken as part of the consultation process. It was important for the County Council to maintain libraries as a valuable resource. The Council was focused on seeking a community partnership approach to running community libraries and that EHRIA’s would continue to be developed in detail as specific proposals came forward;


(v)    In relation to the 16 larger libraries the public consultation gauged when people most wanted to use library services and allowed the public the opportunity to engage with library managers. This process would help to better align library opening hours with usage levels;


(vi)   Whilst not forming part of the consultation the Committee was advised that Leicester City Council had recently undertaken a review of its music service, which covered the whole of Leicestershire. This service was important as it provided sheet music for many live performances and the County Council would engage with the City Council once the outcome of the consultation was known.  





That the comments now made in respect of the consultation on proposals for changes in the delivery of Community Library Services be drawn to the attention of the Cabinet at its meeting of 12 September 2014.


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