Agenda item

Strategic Review of Preventative Services in Leicestershire.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Adults and Communities updating the Committee on the recent strategic review of Adults and Communities’ Preventative Services and invited comments. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 12’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the Cabinet Lead Member for Adult Social Care, Mr. D. W. Houseman MBE CC, for this and other items. Mr. Houseman advised the Committee that the County Council was required to save £110 Million over the next four years and £21 million of this saving would need to be found in the budget for Adult Social Care. As a result of the extent of the savings required all areas of Adult Social Care would need to yield some savings with resources targeted at areas that had the greatest impact on service users.  


The Chairman also welcomed to the meeting Fiona Barber, Healthwatch Leicestershire, for this and other items. Ms. Barber advised the Committee that Healthwatch had supported the County Council in some of the work undertaken through Preventative Services. There was some concern expressed at the capacity of communities to pick up work where the Council would no longer provide support or services. The Director advised that the County Council proposed to establish a seed fund to help the setting up of social groups and peer support groups and providing practical support for lunch clubs. In providing housing related support the County Council would need to seek a more unified approach, working with partners, particularly District Councils, to ensure the most vulnerable people were supported.    


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)        The proposed new model for secondary prevention for vulnerable people at risk formed part of the overarching prevention offer and services would be re-commissioned focusing around four main areas:


·         Identification;

·         Supporting Independence;

·         Maximising and Enhancing Community Resources;

·         Community Development.


This commissioning process would help to ensure that the new model would deliver to all appropriate groups which included young carers. The Adults and Communities Department worked with colleagues in Children and Young People’s Services and Public Health to ensure a joined up approach to this issue. It was envisaged for a unified prevention offer, incorporating NHS partners, to be provided through the Better Care Fund (BCF); 


(ii)       Detailed and comprehensive Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessments (EHRIAs) would be undertaken as part of the re-commissioning process. There was a need to ensure that EHRIAs were robust and that vulnerable people, especially those that were isolated, were given appropriate consideration;


(iii)      The Committee expressed concern that the high level of savings outlined for Preventative Services and potential areas for efficiency should be undertaken sensitively. It was explained that the 40% savings identified for Preventative Services would be by way of a targeted approach as opposed to simply slicing 40% of the service; 


(iv)      It was understood that change was required in providing Preventative Services to meet the savings outlined in the MTFS. It was necessary to ensure that savings made in this area would not have a negative impact elsewhere and reconfiguration of services would be done following consultation with the NHS and other partners;     


(v)       The Committee noted the large number of risks identified in the Review and sought assurance that these would be mitigated. Specific concern was expressed in relation to housing related support services for vulnerable people and the potential for an increase in homelessness and crime as a result of a reduction in service provision in this area. It was explained that the resources available were significantly reduced and that the proposed service would need to be more flexible, targeting the most vulnerable people who were at greatest risk of harm. The work undertaken by District Councils in this area was also being examined to inform the work of the County Council;


(vi)      Time Banking provided investment in community solutions to prevent or reduce service need. It was a relatively small investment, £35,000, that helped to build up community capacity and maximise the development of community services;


(vii)    The Committee was advised that there were three domestic abuse refuges within Leicestershire. These were funded through housing related support.





That the comments now made in respect of the Strategic Review of Preventative Services in Leicestershire be drawn to the attention of the Cabinet.


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