Agenda item

Managing Sickness.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources which provided an update on the overall County Council and departmental performance in relation to sickness absence for the financial year 2013/14. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 13’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)        The Committee noted that there was disparity between departments’ sickness levels, with the Adults and Communities Department consistently having the highest rates of sickness, currently at 11.61 days per annum. It was explained that high sickness levels had been a long standing issue within the Adults and Communities Department and that sickness levels within the Department had previously been much higher than at present. High sickness levels within Adult Social Care Services was a national trend, with the County Council having lower sickness levels in this area when compared to the majority of other local authorities;


(ii)       High sickness levels amongst care staff accounted for the large majority of absences in the Adults and Communities Department. It was explained that sickness levels had historically been high in this area due to the nature of the role. For example, where carers provided one-to-one support, any viral infection presented a risk to service users. Also, in some roles, carers undertook a high degree of physical activity which, even when managed through training and assessment, could lead to long term chronic health problems;


(iii)      It was explained that carers undertook a comprehensive manual handling training programme and that as a result physical injuries were low. Stress levels in the Adults and Communities Department were comparable to other departments and the Department was acutely aware of the importance of mental health issues and undertook a lot of activity in relation to the Council’s mental health first aid programme. It was noted that two thirds of County Council mental health first aiders were located within the Adults and Communities Department;


(iv)      In comparing Adult Social Care sickness levels with comparative NHS services it was noted that in 2012/13 NHS nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff nationally had an average of 10.6 days sickness absence;


(v)       The effect of stress on staff sickness levels was raised. It was explained that where a large number of staffing changes and efficiency savings were being undertaken within a departmental section, this could lead to an increased number of absences due to stress related issues. The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team was carrying out targeted work on stress and, where appropriate, stress surveys were undertaken. Where a stress survey had been completed a follow up would be undertaken two months later to gauge whether stress levels had decreased due to actions taken;


(vi)      It was noted that long term sickness could significantly distort departmental sickness trends. It was explained that long term sickness was classified as a period of absence above 20 days. There were a number of trigger points put in place where the County Council would take action when a person was absent;   


(vii)    There was a need to identify trends in sickness absence and to breakdown sickness absence levels by individual sections in departments, including details of long term and short term absences to gain a better understanding of sickness levels with a view to reducing them. It was suggested that the Council’s Corporate Management Team should undertake work in relation to this and be requested to report back to the Committee at its next meeting.





(a)  That the Council’s performance in relation to sickness absence for the financial year 2013/14 be noted;


(b)  That it be noted that the Council will continue to ensure that managers maintain a focus on managing attendance and that poor attendance be proactively tackled and addressed;


(c)  That the Council’s Corporate Management Team be requested to identify trends in sickness absence and provide to the Committee at its next meeting a breakdown of sickness absence levels by individual sections in departments, including details of long term and short term absences.

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