Agenda item

Questions asked by members under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5).


Miss. H. Worman CC asked the Chairman the following question under Standing Order 7:-


“During the public consultation on the libraries issue the costs quoted for the provision of library services in Ibstock might have been misleading because two years rental of the building was used to calculate the cost of using the library.


Will the Chairman agree with me that in such a sensitive matter as this it is important to have good robust information so that communities seeking to work with the Council can plan with confidence?”


The Chairman replied as follows:-


1.    The County Council seeks in all of its consultations, irrespective of sensitivity, to uphold the consultation principles it adopted in February 2014 for engaging residents, service users and stakeholders when reviewing or changing existing services, policies and commissioning arrangements or developing new ones. The principles reflect the Coalition Government’s Consultation Principles, aiming to help policy makers and service managers make the right judgements about when, with whom and how to consult. The key principle is that the potential impact of the change or decision on which we consult is proportionate to the scope and type of the consultation undertaken.


The County Council seeks to be clear on what the purpose of the consultation or engagement is and what is within the scope of the consultation. We ensure that we provide the right information so that informed responses can be made. This includes making available relevant evidence underpinning the policy or service change under consideration.


2.    In respect of the recent consultation on libraries and the specific issue raised regarding Ibstock Library I understand that the Lead Member for Heritage, Leisure and Arts provided an earlier response in respect of this matter as follows:


The proposals that the County Council consulted on were for the County Council to continue running the 16 most used libraries (who between them account for around 75% of usage) and to work in partnership with communities to support them to run the 36 remaining libraries.  


The proposals were therefore based on usage, not on relative costs or efficiency of individual libraries.  So, the proposals relating to Ibstock library were clearly not in any way based on the actual or relative costs of issuing books there – so to say we have been misleading the public is incorrect.

On the matter in question, the figure comes from information we provided, in response to requests received during the consultation, to groups potentially interested in running the library in partnership with the County Council to give them an overview of the actual running costs of providing a library in that location. For this we provided the actual financial transaction data for the most recent financial year 2013-14.


As I understand it, during 2013-14 we paid the rent for both 2013-14 and outstanding rent for previous years – which indeed leads to the rental costs shown not being reflective of annual costs. This information was clearly provided as a guide only and the accompanying guidance note makes it clear that the Council assumes it will continue paying rent where this applies, so that this anomaly would have been of little consequence to those interested in taking over Ibstock library. In any case, as soon as the figure was queried, we were able to clarify where the figure came from.


The consultation closed on 7 July 2014, and work is now underway to analyse the results of the survey, the public meetings, petitions and other responses in preparation for a decision by our Cabinet on the 19 September 2014 on the best way to proceed.


Miss. H. Worman CC asked the following supplementary question:-


"Thank you chair for your response. I am grateful for your acknowledgement that the Ibstock library figures were not quite accurate. This Committee is looking into the wider issue on how we move forward with library provision and the Cabinet is set to ask officers to review the measures used in which library's continue to receive funding. 


The reply focuses on usage not on efficiency. Would the Chair not agree that cost effectiveness is a good measure and should also be used in deciding whether or not a library should continue receiving funding? "


Having been invited by the Chairman to respond to the supplementary question the Director of Adults and Communities indicated as follows:-


“The County Council is currently proposing to undertake further work on alternatives in making conclusions and will take into account the comments that have been made today.”