The 2015/16 school funding
consultation is now live and can be found on the following link;
Tim Moralee welcomed everyone to the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to allow
Schools’ Forum to consider the consultation before 18 September meeting.
Jenny Lawrence
reported challenging timescales for doing this as the final announcement by the
DfE was during the summer holidays. A Working Group was set up over the holidays
working with and challenging the Local Authority. Jenny thanked colleagues who came along and
helped with that work.
Schools’ Forum
supported the Local Authority’s proposals on 16 June and that all educational
providers should benefit from additional funding. Used analysis of schools
formula, when compared to statistical neighbours.
There were 2 areas
agreed to target:
Proposals are to
increase Primary Age Weighted Pupil Unit by 7%, to double the amount of funding
paid out by prior attainment. Leaves
estimated uplift to the Age Weighted Pupil Unit to all schools 1.5%.
Needed to consider
what we should do to realign the modelling for data changes. We have in 2015/16 first time studio schools
that need to be funded through the formula.
The modelling assumes this will be cash neutral.
Also now have a lot
of schools where rates demands have increased.
All those changes need to be dealt with in fixed pot of funding.
data changes the funding will be adjusted by amending the general increase in
AWPU of 1.5%.
themselves only consider the distribution of the additional funding for
Leicestershire of £20.5M – proposing no changes to the mechanism to fund age
range changes for 2015/16. Also it has
been confirmed we do not need Secretary of State approval
for funding age range protection 2015/16 – that will carry forward, but we do
have to seek approval for the minimum funding guarantee.
Question of what
will happen in 2016/17 - we have no idea.
Will be a new Government potentially, new spending review, potentially 3
year settlement, potentially moving to national formula.
Mr Ould reported
that F40 are in negotiations on monthly basis with DfE
officials, assuming increase this year will become part of the budget, until in
place they can’t be certain of that.
Jenny Lawrence said
the consultation paper had been set out in a format to allow schools to get
greater understanding of how the schools funding system work. We were very keen to try and make schools
understand we are getting additional money in the pupil settlement, but as
school level funding values differ for each element of the formula, it is not
possible to fund all schools at additional £240 per pupil. Calculation we did
based on the funding needed to achieve a minimum increase of £240 per pupil in every
school would be £131M as we have a number of schools so heavily protected by
minimum funding guarantee.
Tried to articulate
very clearly, there is no requirement for that entire element to be delegated
to schools given that the Local Authority holds budgets for things like
redundancies, first stage of process is to take that funding out of funding
settlement. There is a requirement for
Schools’ Forum to agree those amounts can be centrally retained.
It is also
important to note individual blocks of Schools Grant are not being ring fenced
and currently £2M of the Schools Block is used to fund High Needs.
Increased funding
will find its way into maintained schools budgets from April 2015 and Academies
September 2015.
Proposals also
allow 2 other increases. 3.6% base rate
nursery education providers. Also
increase the amount of funding in special school pot by 3.6%. The Working Group felt we should use average
of the secondary school increase, which was 3.6%. This was felt to be fairer than using the
higher primary school increase.
Not all schools
will receive an increase in budget – 23 schools will remain on minimum funding
guarantee and will not receive a cash increase in budget, but will not see a
reduction in budget for 2015/16.
questions – whether proposals we are consulting on seem a reasonable approach
and do you agree with the Local Authority proposals. Also allowed some free text
so schools can raise any other issues.
A very short
consultation timescale – closes on 17 September to bring back to Schools’ Forum
on 18 September. A paper will be tabled
on the day. Cabinet will consider the
proposals on 13 October to which must be submitted to the EFA by 31 October.
The purpose of the
additional meeting is to engage Schools’ Forum in discussion, collect views and
ensure that Forum members were using contacts and networks to ensure that
schools are aware of and responding to the consultation.
Information went
out via Director’s newsletter on 1 September and on EIS, a reminder will go out
to schools on 8 September.
Questions raised:
Richard Spurr – minimum funding guarantee of £3.3M drops
considerably to £0.7M – big deal for individual schools, is that mostly down to
the extra money?
Jenny Lawrence
responded – it is all down to the extra money, modelling we have done on
current year data. Without the
additional money schools could be losing 1.5% per pupil. Those 23 schools will not see decrease per
Tony Gelsthorpe
supported the proposal – actually principled, clear, transparent
and can understand them. Quite a few
references to age range changes and the mechanism.
Tony Gelsthorpe
asked if we knew what the cost of protection for age range changes was. Our latest estimate for 2015/16 is £1.9M.
This amount is covered by the funds set aside for protection in the Dedicated
Schools Grant Reserve.
The meeting
concluded at 10.30am.
Supporting documents: