Agenda item

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure Plan - Proposed Modifications.

The Planning and Environment Scrutiny Committee will be considering this matter on 11th April.  Its views will be reported at the meeting.


The Commission considered a report of the Acting Director of Planning and Transportation concerning proposed modifications to the Structure Plan and seeking comments thereon.  A copy of the report marked ‘C’ is filed with these minutes.


A report setting out the views of the Planning and Environment Scrutiny Committee on the proposed modifications were table at the meeting and a copy marked ‘C1’ is filed with these minutes.


It was moved by Mr. Bill and seconded:


“(a)       That the views of the Planning and Environment Scrutiny Committee on the proposed modifications to the Structure Plan be noted and forwarded to the Cabinet.


(b)        That the proposed modifications to the Structure Plan be endorsed.


(c)        That the issue of a Green Wedge at Burbage should be the subject of a further report to an early meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee and/or Commission.


(d)        That the rail projects and infrastructure improvements (Panel Recommended 7.72) should be included in the main text of the Structure Plan rather than the Explanatory Memorandum”.


An amendment was moved by Mr. Rhodes and seconded:


“That part (c) and (d) of the motion be deleted and the following inserted in its place:


‘(c)       That the Cabinet be asked to note and have regard to the request from Burbage Parish Council for a Green Wedge’”.


The amendment was put and carried 8 members voting for the amendment and 7 against.


The substantive motion was put and carried.

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