Agenda item

Announcement by the Police and Crime Commissioner.


The Chairman indicated that he had been requested by the Commissioner to allow him the opportunity to make an announcement. The Commissioner had not told the Chairman of the nature of this announcement but stated that he would be unable to answer any questions on the matter at the Panel meeting. Accordingly, the Chairman suggested that the Panel adjourn in order that the request could be discussed in private amongst Panel members.


-The Panel adjourned at 2.05pm and restarted 2.20pm –


The Chairman indicated that, following private deliberation amongst the Panel members, the Commissioner would be given the opportunity to deliver his announcement, however he pointed out that the Panel largely felt that, unless they directly affected the Panel itself, announcements of this kind should be dealt with in a press conference setting rather than via Panel meetings; otherwise


The Commissioner responded by stating that he did not want the Panel to be compromised by learning of developments at his office second hand, but that he accepted the point being made.


Accordingly, the Commissioner delivered the following statement:


“Mr Chair, Panel Members,


I assure you that I won’t keep you for long, for I am very alive to the fact that we have a particularly full Agenda today.


Nonetheless, I felt it extremely important to brief you regarding the Review that I instigated earlier this month – actually on 1st September, whilst I was on holiday.  That Review is aimed at looking into the action taken by Leicestershire Police following any allegations of abuse relating to children and young people in our police area.


You will appreciate, noting the date on which I acted, that this was done in the immediate aftermath of the Rotherham Report.  It is my firm belief that we need to reassure victims, the public and our local stakeholders that all allegations of abuse, whether these are historic or present-day, have been – and are being – handled appropriately by Leicestershire Police.


I have therefore asked the Force to examine how it managed allegations of suspected child sexual abuse, grooming or exploitation reports to Leicestershire Police from the 1990s onwards.  Whilst final timescales for completion are still to be confirmed- and given that I have made it abundantly clear that quality must not be sacrificed for speed – I expect to receive an outline report by the end of the year.


The Review is, as you would expect, being overseen by a very senior officer who is reporting to me through the Chief Constable.  It will look at the action taken at the time of any allegation and the outcomes reached.  Perhaps most pertinently, given the desperate failures in Rotherham, it will evaluate any decisions not to take further action in order to see whether such action should have been taken, or indeed could be taken now, in response to the original complaint.


The Chief Constable is fully supportive of the approach that has been taken, and we together have worked closely with Force colleagues to agree the extent of the Review.


I am sure that I have no need to highlight the fact that the Leicestershire Police Force has conducted a number of investigations in recent years, with vigour and professionalism, and these efforts have led to the successful prosecution of several individuals for abusing children.  You are probably also aware that several other enquiries are currently active, which of course we cannot discuss.


But the public, quite rightly, will want assurance that we are providing adequate safeguards to the young people of this area.  And victims and those at risk of abuse must have confidence to come forward, secure in the knowledge that they will be taken seriously and treated with sensitivity.  Those who may harbour concerns regarding allegations of a historical nature should now have faith that the action taken at the time is being re-examined.


I should, of course, stress that there is nothing – absolutely nothing - to suggest that current procedures are not what they should be.  But we all know that national news stories about events in other areas can have an impact on local opinion and confidence.  And, whilst this is in no way a fault-finding mission, should we find areas where improvements can be made, that would clearly be an added benefit.


Having briefed you, the Panel, I am also today writing to appropriate partners and issuing a media statement covering the key points.  In my view, doing nothing in the aftermath of the Rotherham Report was not an option; that is why I took such quick action.  This is, without doubt, the right thing to do.


At this point it is not appropriate to invite, or take, questions on the topic.  I have brought a copy of the press statement for you all, and there is nothing more to add at this time except to say that I expect to make a further statement when I receive the outline report, including of course to this Panel.


Thank you.”




That the statement delivered by the Commissioner and the press statement tabled be noted.