Agenda item

Corporate Asset Management Plan 2015/16.

A copy of the report to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 16 June 2015 is attached for the consideration of the Commission. Any comments of the Commission will be reported to the Cabinet at the meeting.



The Commission considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources which presented the draft Corporate Asset Management Plan (CAMP) 2015/16 which set out the strategic direction for the use, management and development of the County Council’s corporate property resources over the next financial year.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)          The Commission welcomed the report, which was both comprehensive and accessible.  It was pleasing to note that the objectives for the previous year had all been met and that the plans for the 2015/16 financial year were ambitious but, based on previous performance, were also deliverable.


(ii)         One of the key risks to delivery of the CAMP was the fast pace of change and the level of transformational work being carried out across the Council.  It was expected that there would be challenges in maintaining the pace of change in order to deliver the Plan.


(iii)       Resources were also identified as a key risk area.  The ambitious nature of the Plan meant that some temporary resources might be required in order to deliver it.  Further work was needed to define the level of resource required.  Officers undertook to advise members of the outcome of discussion in this area.


(iv)       With regard to the development sites being brought forward to deliver the Disposals Programme, it was confirmed that although Land Promotion and Options Agreements were a standard approach in industry, they were not often used by the County Council.  Producing the documents involved a lengthy legal process and once both parties were signed up to the agreement they were bound by it.  Where possible, the County Council would apply for outline planning permission before selling the land.  Promotion and Option Agreements were used on a case by case basis for land with very specialised uses.  The County Council sought support from external consultants to deliver the Disposals Programme where appropriate.


(v)        The Committee welcomed the approach to energy efficiency and was pleased to note that the business case and service development for the installation of renewable energy assets for sale of power and heat to the schools estate would target all schools, not just those maintained by the County Council.  A number of options were currently being scoped, including those where the County Council offered strategic and operational advice as well as capital support.  Once a preferred option had been identified, the scheme would be promoted to schools.  It was felt that this opportunity would be welcomed by schools.


(vi)       The CAMP included reference to the role of property services in developing a revised mining offer at Snibston Discovery Museum.  As this decision was currently subject to Judicial Review, it was not possible to confirm the exact nature of the works that were planned for the site.  The County Solicitor undertook to write to members of the Commission to confirm the exact wording of the Cabinet Decision on the matter and the next steps to be taken in either actuality.


(vii)     It was acknowledged that there had been confusion regarding the respective roles and responsibilities of the County Council and Academies in terms of assets.  The County Council had since clarified and updated processes around procuring, commissioning and delivering building works for Academies and had produced a set of leaflets which clarify the property related responsibilities of each party.  The Commission was pleased to note that the leaflets also highlighted that Academies could approach the County Council and commission work on a traded basis.  It was agreed that the leaflets would be circulated to members of the Commission.


(viii)    In terms of commissioning new schools, it was noted that there were a variety of approaches to reflect the mixed economy.  Officers undertook to produce a briefing note setting out the process to design, procure and project manage the building of a new school, as well as how the project would be funded.  The note would use the new school at Braunstone and the proposed new special school in Wigston as examples.


(ix)       It was felt that the CAMP did not include sufficient detail relating to the significant drop in asset value from April 2013 to April 2014.  Officers undertook to circulate a detailed breakdown of the reasons for the decrease to all members of the Commission.




(a)  That the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2015/16 be supported and the comments now made be referred to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 16 June;


(b)  That officers be requested to circulate information to the Commission as outlined above.



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