Agenda item

Quarter 4 2014/15 Performance Report.


The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive which provided an update on performance at the end of the fourth quarter of 2014/15 (January – March).  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 11’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)          It was noted that the indicators relating to road casualties were rated red.  It would be useful for the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee to receive a report providing details of performance in this area, including the percentage of accidents attributable to human error and how statistical evidence has been used to identify the best interventions to prevent accidents.  The report should also investigate whether there was a causal link between national and local increases in road traffic accidents.


(ii)         The Commission noted with concern that the indicator relating to the theft of or theft from vehicles was also rated red.  It was noted that police intelligence had identified that a significant number of these incidents related to either insecure vehicles or the theft of tools from vans.  With regard to the latter, the police had recently made a number of arrests.  Officers undertook to produce a report containing a detailed breakdown of performance in this area for further consideration by the Scrutiny Commissioners.


(iii)       Concern was expressed that the oral health of five year olds had been rated red.  It was noted that both Public Health and Children and Family Services were undertaking work in this area to improve performance and agreed that a report setting out these mitigating actions would be submitted to the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.  The report would also be shared with members of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


(iv)       The red indicators relating to the safety of children and young people had all been the subject of a specific report to the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee earlier in the week.  That report had identified concerns with certain aspects of data reliability which the Committee was investigating further.  Whilst these issues were acknowledged, the Commission was advised that more detailed manual analysis of the percentage of care leavers in suitable accommodation showed that performance, although 20 percent better than originally demonstrated, was still below the target level the County Council had set.


(v)        It was noted that the performance team was undertaking a data cleansing exercise with a view to finalising the end of year position over the summer period.  The final position would be set out in the Annual Performance Report and submitted to the Scrutiny Commission in autumn.


(vi)       Officers undertook to provide written details of the opportunities that were being considered to accelerate the deployment of high-speed fibre broadband across Leicestershire.


(vii)     With regard to the number of staff employed by the County Council, it was agreed that future reports should also include the number of full time equivalent posts.  This would enable members to have a clearer picture of the impact of the MTFS on staffing levels.


(viii)    It was confirmed that the target for 58 percent of staff employed at Grade 13 or above to be female reflected the Council’s workforce rather than the population of Leicestershire.  73 percent of the Council’s workforce was female. 


(ix)       Officers undertook to provide the Commissioners with an analysis of why the Adults and Communities Department was disproportionately represented with regard to grievance and dignity at work cases.




(a)  That the performance at the end of the fourth quarter of 2014-15 be noted;


(b)  That officers be asked to respond to the requests for information outlined above;


(c)  That the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee be asked to consider performance with regard to road traffic accidents at a future meeting;


(d)  That the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee be asked to consider performance with regard to the oral health of five year olds at a future meeting.


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