Agenda item

Ophthalmology Action Plan.


The Committee considered a report of the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL), which provided an update on the progress of the Ophthalmology Action Plan developed in response to the Healthwatch visit to the service earlier this year. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda item 11’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed Martin Watts, General Manager Ophthalmology Service University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) for this item.


Members welcomed the report and commended Healthwatch’s work on the ‘Four Days at LRI’, during which Ophthalmology Eye Clinic and Eye Casualty were visited.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)     Members welcomed all actions included in the Ophthalmology Action Plan put in place following Healthwatch’s visit and in particular emphasised the importance of cleanliness. It was confirmed that a deep clean had been undertaken during the previous week and that assurance had been given to the Ophthalmology Service that this level of cleaning would continue. In addition, work was underway to update the seating and overall décor of the facility. Members were also advised that all rooms within the Ophthalmology service were utilised at full capacity and the next year’s move to the new Accident and Emergency suite at the Leicester Royal Infirmary would address the space and overcrowding issue;


(ii)    It was felt that the booking system required improvement, particularly given the high level of cancellations and difficulties in rescheduling appointments.  The Committee was advised that the introduction of a partial booking system was being considered to reduce the number of cancelled appointments.  Under the partial booking system a patient was booked into a timeslot and the actual appointment was confirmed nearer the time.  Most patients left the Ophthalmology service with an appointment booked; where it was not possible to do so within the timeframe recommended by the consultant, the consultant was asked at the end of his or her clinic to determine when the appointment should be made for;


(iii)   Members were advised that attendance at eye casualty was very high and that the service regularly saw over 80 patients a day. The Committee was pleased to note that improvements in performance had been made over the last six months. The four hour wait target applied to the service and performance was currently at 99 percent;


(iv)   It was acknowledged that there were issues regarding the timeliness of appointments.  However, this was improving.  The General Manager walked through the clinic every day and the service was hardly ever running more than an hour late;   


(v)    Concern was raised over the length of time between referrals and treatment. The Committee was advised that on average it took less than twelve weeks and six days between the referral from GP and being seen at the Eye Clinic which was within the national target. In addition patents were being triaged to prevent them from attending the wrong clinic;


(vi)   Members were advised that some of the routine services for patients with stable conditions were being provided in the community and it was intended that this provision would be expanded further in due course. The Committee welcomed the joined-up working between UHL, LPT, the GPs and CCGs, for example in providing some glaucoma services at Melton Mowbray, Hinckley and Oakham Hospitals and was pleased to note the intention to provide services in other appropriate community settings.


Members were of the view that although there were issues including long waits and appointment booking, which were acknowledged and being worked on, the clinical service provided was of an excellent standard.


Rick Moore, Chairman of Healthwatch Leicestershire, welcomed the continued focus on improving the Ophthalmology Service but emphasised the importance of making short term improvements that were visible to patients despite the fact that a longer term solution was expected. 




(a)  That the report be noted;


(b)  That the work being undertaken to enable the provision of intraocular pressure tests for stable glaucoma patients (IOP 2) in appropriate community setting be supported.



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