Agenda item

Donington le Heath Manor House Charging and Opening Hours Strategy.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities which sought its views on the proposal to introduce an admission charge and make amendments to opening hours as part of a more cost effective and sustainable operational model for Donington le Heath Manor House. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 12’ is filed with these minutes.


Members welcomed the planned improvements at the Donington le Heath Manor House and were of the view that the introduction of the charging policy, accompanied by the changes in the opening hours, was necessary for the museum to continue operating.


In response to the questions raised, members were advised as follows:


(i)        A separate charging policy and opening hours by arrangement outside of the regular hours of operation were planned for school visits and organised groups;


(ii)       The 1620s theme was preferred for the Manor House, as the building’s medieval architecture had been modernised in 1612. In addition, it was planned to use the connection to Digby family to link the Manor House with the Gunpowder Plot, to make the museum a more attractive place to visit and to link this theme with the new primary school curriculum which had a focus on local history.  




That the proposal to introduce an admission charge and make amendments to opening hours as part of a more cost effective and sustainable operational model for Donington le Heath Manor House be supported. 

Supporting documents: