Jenny Lawrence
introduced the report which presents the 2016/17 Dedicated Schools Grant
Settlement for Leicestershire and the 2016/17 Schools Budget.
Jenny Lawrence
outlined to the meeting that the report brings together the number of reports
presented through the 2015/16 financial year and the conversations held.
Jenny highlighted
paragraph 20 of the report which outlines the purpose and scope of the School
Budget. Jenny added that should approval
for the items set out in paragraph 20 not be granted by the Schools’ Forum, the
local authority would seek adjudication from the Secretary of State as the
local authority had no alternative funding source for these historic budgets.
Jenny said that
funding for early years was still an estimate as DSG allocations would not be
confirmed until January 2017. The
Schools’ Block Funding had slightly improved but was still quite low. The consultation to establish the
government’s proposal on 2017/18 school funding and whether the schools funding
formula remains with the local authority has not yet been issued. Jenny outlined the significant financial and
other pressures within Schools Budget and the services that the DSG funds.
Jenny referred to
paragraphs 28 to 41 and in particular paragraph 29. The local authority reconsidered the 1% AWPU
reduction which was completed alongside the saving target of £3M in high
needs. However the funding gap in SEN
budgets was too significant and can only be closed by this action. The formula was required to be submitted to the
EFA in January and the EFA has confirmed that the formula EFA appears to comply
to the financial regulations.
Jenny outlined the
high needs funding issues and the concerns being raised sub-regionally after
talking to colleagues.
The DfE have yet to issue a pupil premium settlement for
2016/17 but this was expected in June but has published the per pupil rates.
Jenny highlighted
that the DfE have very clearly stated that they
expect the ESG general funding rate for both local authorities and academies to
be removed over the next 3/4 years.
Jenny referred to
the estimated dedicated schools grant reserve of £5.7M.
Jenny reported that
high needs for 2016/17 FE places were not fully funded by the EFA and there had
been an increased need for places and in particular demand has risen from other
local authorities. Local authorities are required to fund places in FE
institutions in their area irrespective of there the student resides.
The Chair invited
any questions/comments from the Schools’ Forum.
Suzanne Uprichard
asked if Leicestershire was obliged to fund these students who reside out of
Leicestershire. Jenny commented that
this was a change in national funding policy and these costs have to be met
within the high needs block.
Tony Gelsthorpe
asked whether age range change had increased the number of surplus secondary
places and that he felt they had had a negative financial impact for the
schools concerned.
Jean Lewis asked if
there would be a reduction in the £248,000 for the commissioning budget for
maintained schools causing concern, whilst the number of maintained schools has
reduced overall the number of schools requiring LA support. Lesley Hagger commented there could possibly
be a reduction in time as primary schools go in multi academy trusts.
Jean Lewis referred
to the new SEND regulations and if there had been any thoughts or outline
investigation into SEN budgeting on a needs base rather than a formula base. Jenny Lawrence commented that there was
nothing in mainstream formula that reflects SEN money - element of the basic
money – notional calculation that really sets out the boundary school funding
and local authority funding.
Leicestershire were opposed to this approach - £6K encouragement needs
David Thomas
referred to Appendix 2 and noted the deprivation section and the reduction in
IDACI band 6 and commented that this was amazingly reduced.
Steve McDonald
asked if information was available in respect of out-turn expenditure for
2015/16 in relation to age range costs.
Jenny said this could be provided following year end and that the report
to the Children and Family Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on January
18 set out the 2016/17 capital programmes.
Callum Orr shared
with the Forum members that LSH had written to the local authority and EFA
regarding the 1% AWPU reduction and asking for a collaborative approach to a
long term strategy for managing school budgets over the next few years.
Graham Bett asked
what alternatives to the 1% were looked at.
Jenny Lawrence commented that there was no other alternative to look at
and explained the funding issues faced, AWPU is the only universal funding in
schools. Graham commented that money set
aside for schools growth could have been reduced as another alternative.
Sonia Singleton
referred to alternatives and asked if it would have been possible for 2016/17
to have a differing figure by decreasing in other area areas.
Jenny Lawrence said
that the formula had to be submitted to the DfE by
mid-January. Jenny added that it was not
possible to change anything now for 2016/17 and commented that the focus needs
to be on working with schools to prepare for 2017/18.
Nick Goforth asked
why the high needs costs have risen.
Jenny said that volume and costs had risen. Chris Bristow stated that details of high
needs place numbers are on pages 61 and 62 of the Forum papers.
Schools’ Forum approved the retention of
budgets to meet the prescribed statutory duties of the local authority. (paragraph 20, item 3).
There was one
Schools’ Forum approved the centrally
retained early years funding of £1.649M (paragraph 20, item 4)
Schools’ Forum noted the 2016/17 school
funding rates (paragraph 30)
Schools’ Forum noted the number and average
cost of commissioned places for children and young people with High Needs
(paragraph 49).
Schools’ Forum approved the action to be
taken in respect of schools where the Special Educational Needs (SEN) notional
budget is insufficient to meet the aggregated value of High Needs Funding
Element 2 (paragraph 50). There were two abstentions.
Schools’ Forum noted the average per pupil
funding to be taken into account for recoupment for excluded pupils (paragraph
Schools’ Forum noted the payment rates for
the Early Years Single Funding formula (paragraph 62).
Schools’ Forum noted the retention of the
Dedicated Schools Grant Reserve and the purposes for which it will be used
(paragraph 64).
Supporting documents: