Agenda item

Cabinet Report. Future Strategy for Delivery of Library Services.



The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities to be submitted to the Cabinet on 1 March, concerning the outcome of the public consultation and engagement held in four communities of Barwell, Braunstone Town, Mountsorrel and Narborough regarding alternative library provision. The report also set out the progress made with regard to Kirby Muxloe library. A copy of the report, marked “Agenda Item 9”, is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the Cabinet Lead Member for Heritage, Leisure and Arts, Mr. R. Blunt CC. In introducing the report the Cabinet Lead Member made reference to the issues faced in respect of the four libraries and stressed that, despite the good will and efforts of local people in Barwell it had unfortunately not yet been possible to find a way to keep the Library open. He did however stress that he would personally ask his colleagues on the Cabinet that the Council should remain open to any groups who wished to come forward to run the Library up until it was due to be closed in June and for a further year thereafter. The Cabinet Lead Member expressed his personal thanks to all communities who had committed their own time and skills to assist in running their local library.


The Director advised that a further report providing an update on the work currently being undertaken to achieve feasible business plans for Braunstone Town, Mountsorrel, and Narborough libraries would be provided at the Committee’s meeting on 5 April 2016.  An update on the legal issues encountered in the transfer of Kirby Muxloe Library, would also be provided at that meeting. The Director, in response to a request from members, indicated that every effort would be made to provide members with details regarding leasing arrangements for these libraries.


Arising from a discussion, the following points were noted:


(a)    The nearest alternative provision to Barwell were the libraries situated in Earl Shilton (7 minute journey time including a full cost bus fare of £4.20) and Hinckley (12 minute journey time including a full cost bus fare of £4.80). Bus services to these locations ran roughly every hour. It was recognised that this would mostly impact elderly and young people though it was noted that concessions and over 65 bus passes could be used on these bus routes;

(b)    It was difficult to capture the extent to which the Library in Barwell was used as a meeting venue, however it was noted that the George Ward Centre in the village was most commonly used for this purpose. Customers primarily used the Library for the loaning of books, however it was also used for accessing IT services and the education of young people;

(c)    A local group in Barwell had presented what was considered to be a good solution regarding the running of the Library at the George Ward Centre. However, a number of issues had meant that the group felt they could not ultimately guarantee the long term sustainability of the library and reluctantly withdrew its business plan. Despite this, it remained a possibility that the community’s IT provision would be based there;

(d)    Deprivation in Barwell had been taken into account in drafting the proposals. Data had indicated that 44% of the community were not deprived, 33% were deprived in one dimension and 22% were deprived in two or more dimensions;

(e)    The current plan for alternative provision in Barwell was for a mobile library service. It was noted that this would be accessible to the community after school hours as this was deemed to be the most appropriate time. However this timing would be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure it remained as accessible as possible;

(f)     The selection of books in mobile libraries was smaller than at full-sized libraries. The Director indicated that the possibility of providing a free of charge book request service was being investigated;

(g)    In response to concerns expressed about the consultation process and the low level of response, the Director acknowledged that the Council would increasingly need to look at more innovative ways to obtain the views of local residents. It was however stressed that the local media had been involved in the consultation in an effort to broaden awareness amongst the public.


A view was expressed that, despite the community in Barwell having made a significant effort to overcome the issues, a lack of alternative premises in the village had meant that they had been unfairly disadvantaged over other communities in not being able to support their local library service. Members also pointed that the building of a significant sustainable urban extension (SUE) would add to the size of the community and therefore the demand for services. As a result, it was felt that an exception should be made, and in this case the Library should be allowed to remain open. The Cabinet Lead Member responded by stating that this would not be possible or fair to the other communities who had made a significant commitment to ensuring the future of their local library service. He suggested that S106 funds to supplement the mobile library service could be harnessed via the SUE, though it was recognised that these might not be available for some time.


The Chairman expressed a view that it was not in the spirit of the Council’s policy to provide preferential treatment for any community over another and stated that each library had faced its own set of challenges in formulating a business plan.


It was proposed by Mr. Sheahan CC and seconded by Mr. Mullaney CC:-


“That the Cabinet be asked to make an exception with regard to Barwell Library and not put it forward for closure at the current time due to the unequal opportunity available for the community voluntary group as a result of a lack of alternative locations in the village within which to site it and formulate a feasible business plan.”


The motion was put and not carried, 3 members having voted for the motion and 5 against.




(a)    That the comments of the Committee be forwarded to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 1 March;

(b)    That the Committee expresses its support for the adoption of a free book request service for all mobile library services.


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