Agenda item

Environment and Transport Interim Commissioning Strategy.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport seeking approval for the Interim Commissioning Strategy for 2016 to 2018, and for consultation to commence with key stakeholders to inform the development of a new final Commissioning Strategy from 2018 onwards. A copy of the report, marked ‘6’, is filed with these minutes.


Comments of the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Liberal Democrat Group were circulated separately, and copies are filed with these minutes.


Mr. Osborne CC commented that proposals for parking charges had been made clear in the Medium Term Financial Strategy, previously considered by the Scrutiny Committee.




(a)      That the Environment and Transport Interim Commissioning Strategy and associated Action Plan be approved subject to the Director of Environment and Transport, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Members, being authorised to agree any minor amendments considered necessary, including  any changes arising from its consideration by the Cabinet, prior to publication;


(b)      The Director of Environment and Transport be authorised -


(i)       following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Members, to undertake consultation as required to implement the Action Plan attached to the Environment and Transport Interim Commissioning Strategy;


(ii)      to undertake consultations and engagement with key stakeholders, having regard to emerging partner strategies as necessary, to inform the development of a final Environment and Transport Commissioning Strategy for the period from 2018 onwards.






To ensure that the Environment and Transport Department is able to publish its Interim Commissioning Strategy in April 2016. This will form the foundation for the development of the final Strategy and service reviews to enable a new model for delivering services to be developed and implemented to fulfil statutory duties, meet savings and efficiency targets, and provide a basis for commissioning and delivering services.

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