Agenda item

Future Strategy for the Delivery of Library Services.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities regarding further engagement activity carried out in Braunstone Town, Mountsorrel, and Narborough on proposals from local groups to manage their local library, and outlining progress made in relation to Kirby Muxloe library. A copy of the report, marked ‘7’, is filed with these minutes.


Comments of the Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee and a letter from Braunstone Town Council (BTC) were circulated separately and copies are filed with these minutes.


The Director advised members with regard to issues raised by BTC, to the effect that


·     The County Council’s published offer concerned both the lease and grant agreement; the Fabula plan incorporated both lease and grant arrangement but the BTC submissions did not. The Fabula proposal was therefore the closest match with the offer.


·     The Fabula submission was made as part of the consultation on alternative service provision, when any groups were invited to suggest other options to the services being consulted upon, including the opportunity to submit an outline business plan to manage the library.


·     Adult lending stock would continue to be available under the Fabula proposals and discussions were ongoing as to what this would comprise.


·     The reduction in hours was temporary whilst the new arrangements were put in place, after which they would return to the minimum agreed.


The Director added that there had been recent correspondence with residents in Kirby Muxloe regarding issues with that library. There were still legal matters to be resolved, hence the proposal to report again in September.


Mr. Blunt CC noted that not all the transfers would be straightforward and it was important to allow plenty of time to ensure that issues could be addressed.  This approach had proved successful to date, with the majority of libraries set to transfer to community management. 




(a)      That the comments of the Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted;


(b)      That the proposal from Fabula Social Enterprise in relation to Braunstone Town library be accepted and arrangements be made to progress to formal agreements to enable the group to manage the library;


(c)      That discussions continue with the County Council’s landlord with regard to the new Mountsorrel library and, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member, the Director of Adults and Communities in consultation with the County Solicitor be authorised to determine the most sustainable occupancy agreement for the new library and, accordingly, to make the necessary arrangements to either surrender or sublet the lease, subject to the agreement of the Director of Corporate Resources;


(d)      That the Director of Corporate Resources, in consultation with the County Solicitor, be authorised to agree the terms of the surrender or sublet of the lease referred to in (c) above;


(e)      That the submission of an outline business plan proposed by the Narborough community group be noted and arrangements be made to progress to formal agreements to enable it to manage the library;


(f)       That a progress report in respect of Kirby Muxloe library be submitted to the Cabinet in September 2016, following the completion of the consultation with the Kirby Muxloe community.






The Council has a statutory obligation to ensure provision of a comprehensive and efficient library service.  It has sought to enable and facilitate the ongoing provision, wherever possible, of library services by closer working with communities and other providers, whilst at the same time sustaining the countywide infrastructure to enable it to meet both its statutory obligations and budget challenges.  In November 2014, the Cabinet agreed, inter alia, a delivery model for its library services and a support package for community libraries.


The plan submitted by Fabula presents the most cost-effective way forward and, subject to a minor adjustment, is compliant with the Council’s published support package. It will enable the public library service in Braunstone Town to continue with the provision of a more targeted service to those most in need of support.


In respect of Mountsorrel library, the proposals put forward by the landlord in respect of the occupancy agreement represent a potential way forward but require further discussion before a final decision can be made.


The outline business plan submitted by the Narborough community group meets the criteria set out by the Council to enable it to access the support package.


Legal issues surrounding the library leases (for the building and car park) at Kirby Muxloe have not been resolved and following consultation between the Director of the Adults and Communities and the County Solicitor a three-month consultation exercise on alternative library provision commenced on 21 March 2016. 

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