Agenda item

Tourism Support Services Review.


The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive concerning recent developments in relation to future tourism support arrangements across Leicester and Leicestershire and seeking comments during the Tourism Support Services consultation period. A copy of the report marked “Agenda Item 10” is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman drew members’ attention to a written submission from Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce in regard to the ongoing consultation on the County’s tourism support service, a copy of which was filed with these minutes. Comments had also been submitted to elected members from representatives of Hilton Hotels, Wistow Maze and Wistow Rural Centre and Leicestershire Hospitality Association.


Members were assured that all submissions would be taken account of as part of the ongoing consultation and respondents were encouraged to use the Council’s online consultation survey as a means of making representations []


The Cabinet, at its meeting in March, had supported a preferred option for the future delivery of tourism support services. This proposal was currently being publicly consulted on and it was noted that a further report would be submitted to the Cabinet in June following the consultation process with more detail around how it was proposed the arrangements would operate in future.


Arising from a discussion, the following points were noted:


·                There had been good progress in respect of the County’s tourism support service, though the publicity surrounding Richard III and the success of Leicester City Football Club presented a unique opportunity to significantly further the County’s tourism offer;

·                Responses to the consultation thus far had largely expressed support for tourism governance and strategy to be led by the Combined Authority. Some responses to the consultation had expressed a desire for the arrangements to remain as currently provided (ie. via a destination management organisation);

·                The current contract with Leicester Shire Promotions (LPL) was worth £175k per annum up to the end of March 2016 (there remained an option to extend the contract by a further two years and the contract has been extended until the end of September 2016, pending the conclusion of the review). LPL had been working with the Council around the transition arrangements going forward. Beyond 2018, the Council had no prescribed budget for tourism services. It was anticipated that the funding for this function would come from other sources for example via subscriptions from the private sector or funding from the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership;

·                Concern was expressed at the Blue Sail consultant’s report and a lack of consultation with key businesses in the area over its content. In response it was confirmed that in producing the report, Blue Sail had not been asked to conduct a comprehensive consultation process involving all stakeholders but were instructed to consult a representative sample in forming their report;

·                It was felt that LPL had generally performed well for Leicestershire, but the Blue Sail report had identified new opportunities for aligning tourism support to other local authority functions and wider place marketing activities. It was hoped the new arrangements would develop these opportunities and build on some of the good work carried out thus far. It was possible that staff from LPL could be TUPE transferred into any new arrangements depending on the agreed scope of the adopted model. It was hoped that a continuing dialogue could be maintained with partners, including the district councils, over the arrangements;

·                A view was expressed that the report before the Commission had not adequately taken account of risk and some of the issues around what the tourism function should look like in 3-5 years’ time. In response, it was suggested a more detailed report seeking Cabinet approval to a proposal for future tourism support services would include consultation with the Commission via its meeting on 15 June.



That the report be noted.


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