Agenda item

Corporate Asset Management Plan 2016/17.

A copy of a report to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 18 July is attached for the consideration of the Commission.



The Commission considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources concerning the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2016/17 (CAMP) which was to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 18 June. A copy of the report, marked “Agenda Item 10”, is filed with these minutes.

The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the Cabinet lead Member for Property and Facilities Management, Mr. B. L. Pain CC. The Lead Member reported that the CAMP was a significant document for the Council as it was cross-cutting across all Council departments. He added that Property Services should be congratulated for its delivery and impressive outturn which it was felt had significantly exceeded expectation.

In introducing the report, the Director provided the following updates on the previous year’s CAMP:

·                The Delivery Programme had been ambitious and set challenging targets of the Service. These targets had mostly been met;

·                The County Hall Master Plan had delivered sufficient surplus space to enable co-location of staff from the health sector;

·                Capital receipts had reduced from £12 million to £3.1 million largely as a result of delays in the planning process. These sales had been re-scheduled into the 2016/17 Programme;

·                The capital programme for schools accommodation had delivered £31 million against a target of £36 million, the largest in over 10 years;

·                The “Strategic Vision” for the CAMP had been revised slightly to take account of the new powers that would be delivered via the Combined Authority and future partnership initiatives.

Arising from a discussion, the following points were noted in relation to the CAMP 2016/17:

·                An advisory group of Cabinet Lead Members had formed an Asset Investment Board to consider potential land acquisitions for the property portfolio. £15m had been ring fenced in the MTFS for this purpose;

·                It was anticipated that the number of County Council assets was likely to stabilise at around 650-700. However, a number of projects such as the de-trunking of Highways Agency land would result in statutory transfers of parcels of land to the County Council which would need to be reviewed and associated strategies developed;

·                The CAMP would not progress in isolation. Other Council departments were heavily involved in its delivery and regular monitoring took place to ensure any concerns around, for instance housing and schools, could be addressed as part of delivery;

·                In response to a request, the Director indicated that further details on the potential to retain the “Living Water” facility project as part of the proposed redevelopment of the  Billesdon Depot site would be provided to members following the meeting;

·                In response to a request, the Director stated that the Danemill Annexe in Enderby had been retained pending clarity on potential pupil place needs in the area. The local County Councillor, Mrs. Dickinson CC requested to be kept informed on any evolving strategy for the building and suggestions regarding its use e.g. chargeable car parking to fund any works to the site;

·                In response to a request, the Director indicated that he would report back to members following the meeting on the maintenance  cost incurred by the County Council in making repairs to schools as part of the academy conversion process;

·                Property Services aimed to deliver all the CAMP’s projects listed from pages 100 to 110, though it was felt that an element of prioritisation would be required via the high level strategies of individual departments. The Director and Lead Member offered to take this point on board regarding future delivery intentions;

·                The Cabinet Lead Member for Children and Families and Children and Family Services’ Pupil Place Planning staff had developed the CAMP’s programmed delivery of classroom space. It was noted that, as yet, academisation had not had a negative impact on investment in schools.


(a)       That the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2016/17 be welcomed;

(b)       That the comments of the Commission be forwarded to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 18 July.


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