The minutes of the
meeting held on Tuesday 21 June 2016 were agreed subject to an amendment on
page 10, agenda item 6 (High Needs Funding), paragraph 6 should read “David
Atterbury commented that place planning was a more expensive provision out of
county …revenue expenses”.
Matters Arising
Forum Membership
The representation
of Secondary Academy Headteachers was raised and
Schools’ Forum noted there are 6 nominated Governors, 4 of which are members of
the Schools’ Forum.
Children and
Family Services
Paul Meredith
updated the Schools’ Forum on the interim appointment to the Department to
replace Chris Bristow as strategic lead for SEND. Christine Finnigan
would be joining the Department on 24 October as strategic lead for SEND and
Children with Disabilities. The job
description had been adjusted to include children disability services to allow
links to be made between SEND and children’s social care. Paul outlined that as part of Christine’s
brief she would be developing a multi-agency strategy and setting up a SEND
Forum in order to help deliver the SEND Strategy. Paul asked the Forum to appreciate that this
was a long-term plan as the current model was not sustainable.
Unfortunately a new
director was not appointed and therefore the appointment process will
reconvene. Paul added that the other
priority was to undertake a new structure for the Department as soon as
possible. Paul outlined the Assistant
Director structure and informed the meeting that adverts that would be going
out for these posts.
Jean Lewis raised
concerns about the difficulties of engaging NHS representatives to work with
SEN pupils in schools. Paul confirmed
that the relationship between CFS and Health is a matter that needs to be
addressed as part of SEND Reform and work to take place on the high needs
action plan.
Karen Allen commented that it was really
heartening that the local authority recognise that there are a number of
reasons for increasing high need expenditure including out of county provision
as schools were receiving mixed messages around schools pushing up costs and
pressing for specialist provision.
Calculating the actual cost of additional provision has pushed the price
over £6,000 and has led to increasing costs.
Paul said that high costs placements were
being looked at and that transport was a significant factor. Jean Lewis commented that there was a lack of
provision for autistic placements. David
Atterbury commented that this was the gap we are trying to close and stated
that there was a free school bid at the moment to do this.
Jenny commented that the cost and numbers had
gone up across the board and outlined some of the costs.
Karen Rixon
commented that the diagnosis levels for children and young people are immense
resulting in escalating pressure for schools.
Paul reiterated that health was a very
important part of this process but more joined up working with health was
Jean Lewis commented that the new appointee
should look at both sides of the SEND problem and bring in the health
professionals. There are threats to cut
transport for those children who have disabilities. Paul commented that no decision had been made
on transport costs but had noted the comment.
Graham asked if there was any invest to save
money for this particular problem. Jenny
commented that there is not at the moment and cannot present an Invest to Save
now but could do so in the future.
Graham expressed his disappointment for this not to be included in the
allocation for the County Council’s 2016/17 underspend. Jenny commented that there is funding for
invest to save if schemes were supported and evidenced within a business case.
Suzanne asked what
plans there are to speak to the CCG’s NHS England about issues around the over
prescribing children going back to school and the removal of specialist
Paul said that
partnership working with health was under developed and meetings were currently
taking place with NHS colleagues.
The Forum asked for
Christine Finnigan to bring a progress report to the
next Schools’ Forum.
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