Jenny introduced
the report which provided an overview of the 2017/18 Dedicated Schools Grant
Settlement, 2017/18 School Funding, the redefinition of ‘estimated pupils’ in
respect of the pupil number adjustment arising for schools undertaking or being
affected by age range changes and the impact of the Apprenticeship Levy on
Jenny reported that
the next phase of consultation was expected in the next few weeks but in terms
of the national funding formula no information had been published by the
Department for Education.
Jenny updated the
Forum on the early years’ national funding formula position and one of the
areas that schools needed to be aware of was the proposal that local authority
funding will be generated by a formula reflecting pupil characteristics and
that 95% of the funding should be delegated to providers also based on pupil
Jenny referred to
the estimated £3M headroom within the Schools Block and said that it remains
the local authority’s intention to use this to support the high needs
block. There were also changes to the
education services grant from 1 September 2017 for local authorities and
academies which needed to be reflected in academies’ financial planning. The DfE had
recently announced a £50M fund for local authorities to continue to monitor and
commission school improvement for low performing maintained schools. Jenny commented that at this stage it was not
clear whether this was a one-off payment.
In addition the DfE had announced a £140M
‘Strategic School Improvement Fund’ for academies and maintained schools but it
was not clear who decides where it is needed and how it would be used. Jenny agreed to inform Schools’ Forum when
she had more information.
In terms of the
high needs block the table on page 18 sets out in more detail the financial
projections for the current and two subsequent years. Jenny commented that the high needs block for
2017/18 was provisionally set at £61.88m but the grant was not expected to be confirmed
until March 2017.
The local authority
was still proposing to make no changes to the school funding formula although two areas may
require some minor changes. Firstly to
IDACI to reflect the new national bandings which was discussed at the working
party and the other area of concern nationally was the rateable value of
property as many schools have increased.
Jenny said that
there had been clarification of the term estimate in the mechanism for
adjusting pupils as a result of the age range changes for 2017/18 which had
been discussed with the working group.
Jenny informed the
meeting that from April 2017 schools will be affected by the national
Apprenticeship Levey and outlined how the different category of school would be
affected. There was still a lack of
clarity in this area and Jenny agreed to update the Schools’ Forum when she
received further information.
Paul said that the
£3M transfer to high needs had been debated for a number of weeks and last week
the final decision was made. The views
of the Schools’ Forum were taken into account but there is a significant
problem on SEND and work was required to work on new models to compound the
Karen Allen urged
officers and members to bear in mind the work schools do to support high needs
children and the limitation of the £6K.
David Thomas
referred to the £3M and suggested it would be worth identifying what the cost
would be of this decision to schools.
Jenny agreed to look at this.
In addition to the
changes to IDACI and the increases of rateable values which may result in minor
changes to AWPU values Kath Kelly asked if this was preparing for more cuts to
come. Jenny commented that there is no
proposed cut to the 2017/18 budget. In
terms of the rateable value issue Jenny commented that an exercise was being
carried out on this as information received was unclear.
Referring to the
chart on page 18 of the report Karen Rixon asked how
the savings had been formulated. Jenny
said that the savings were being met from the Dedicated Schools Grant which
does not have the same measurement as local authority budgets. Jenny outlined particular areas of savings.
David Thomas
referred to the term “baseline” and suggested that the £7M was part of the high
need block for 2017/18 and £3M resulted in the schools block being short by
Mr Ould reported
that the F40 had met and it was difficult to know the current position. The group are due to meet with the Secretary
of State for Education to discuss concerns about the delayed consultation on a
new national funding formula. The area
that concerns the group was the lump sum and if it reduces would affect the
viability of some smaller schools.
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