The Board considered a report of the
Director of Health and Care Integration which summarised the discussion that
took place at the Health and Wellbeing Board Development Session on 15
December, presented the outputs from that session and outlined the next steps
that would be taken to progress actions arising from the session. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 5’
is filed with these minutes.
Arising from discussion the following points
were raised:-
It was
felt that, in addition to Integrated Locality Teams and Community Health Services,
the Health and Wellbeing Board should also assure itself that cross border
issues were being addressed through the delivery of the Sustainability and
Transformation Plan (STP). The Board was
advised that the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) STP was currently
being mapped against neighbouring STPs to identify any implications for LLR and
meetings were being arranged with the Lead Officers for neighbouring STPs. The Director of Finance for the LLR STP was
considering the effect that neighbouring STPs would have on activity levels and
finances for LLR.
concern was expressed that the LLR STP included proposals for an endoscopy unit
at the Community Hospital in Hinckley.
The STP for Warwickshire proposed an endoscopy unity at the George Eliot
Hospital in Nuneaton, and it was suggested that to have two units in close
proximity was not good value for money.
The Board was advised that the endoscopy unit in Hinckley would not be a
standalone unit but would be linked to the wider day case offer for that
area. In an LLR context, there was
sufficient activity for the unit to be sustainable. However, this proposal would now be
considered in the light of the proposal for the George Eliot Hospital.
(iii) The proposed communications campaign for the
Health and Wellbeing Board related to self care and
supporting people to stay safe, well and independent in Leicestershire would be
developed across health and social care partners. It would be submitted to a future meeting of
the Board for approval. It would be
important for the campaign to enable the public to understand and shape the
future for health and care services in Leicestershire.
(iv) It was noted that Looked After
Children, including unaccompanied asylum seeking children, put pressure on NHS
budgets as well as that of the Council.
It was confirmed that a Children and Families Plan for Leicestershire
was being developed and would include the future strategic direction for this
area of work.
(v) It was requested that the update to the
guidance on declarations of interest at Board meetings, in the light of some
Board members also leading STP workstreams, be a solution for LLR as a whole.
(a) That the actions proposed in paragraph 9 of
this report be approved and that a report outlining progress with their
delivery be submitted to the meeting of the Board in March 2017;
(b) That the Director of Public Health be asked
to develop a prevention wrap-around offer for the Integrated Locality Teams and
report on progress with this to a future meeting of the Board;
(c) That individual partners be asked to
progress the proposals outlined in paragraph 12 which relate to their
organisation and that this be the focus of a Development Session for the Health
and Wellbeing Board during Spring 2017.
(d) That officers be asked to develop a
refreshed communications plan for the Health and Wellbeing Board, based on the
Board’s role as set out in paragraph 13 of this report;
(e) That officers be asked to develop a
communications campaign for the Board related to self care
and supporting people to stay safe, well and independent in Leicestershire;
the Better Care Together/STP Programme Management Office be recommended to
consider learning from the integration model developed in Salford;
(g) That the Better Care Together/STP Programme
Management Office be recommended to consider using the Public Health
Prioritisation Tool to determine commissioning and decommissioning decisions
across the health and social care system;
(h) That a report on cross border issues in
relation to the Sustainability and Transformation Plan be submitted to a future
meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Supporting documents: