Agenda item

Any other items the Chairman has decided is urgent


The Chairman asked Cllr Sprason to speak regarding his item on the planning permission given to Neovia by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council for their extension to the warehouse and as part of the application the 106 contribution condition included funding for highway improvements. It has come to light over the last few days that this includes junction improvements, LCC Highways are saying  their preference is the Desford crossroads, however the parishes of Peckleton & Desford would prefer to see improvements to the Danns Lane junction and to Peckleton Lane.


Cllr Sprason asked LCC Highways to change their approach with what they are advising Hinckley and Bosworth and reconsider using the 106 contributions for Danns Lane junction.


Cllr Cartwright agreed with Cllr Sprason and said he couldn’t believe the money was going toward funding for the Desford Crossroads rather than Danns Lane.


Cllr Bill informed Members that he has written to Phil Crossland after the planning meeting who said this will be looked at and considered.


Mr Vears fully understand Members concerns. He explained that the transport implications which will arise from the proposed expansion to Neovia Logistics are detailed and analysed in the supporting Transport Assessment. As part of the scoping discussions the Highways Authority requested the applicant to undertake detailed Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) within an agreed and relevant study area. An important component of this work (TIA) was junction modelling and capacity assessment at the following key junctions (amongst others not detailed below):


           A47 / Dan’s Lane priority junction;

           A47 / B582 - Desford Crossroads signalised junction; and

           A47 / Leicester Road roundabout (the start of the Earl Shilton Bypass).


With the exception of the A47 / B582 - Desford Crossroads signalised junction all local junctions tested are anticipated to continue to operate within capacity following the introduction of development traffic.


Relevant to this, growth and network improvement initiatives have been tested with rigour as part of the wider strategic growth strategy in collaboration with Hinckley & Bosworth. Although the purpose of this testing did not specifically include the details of this current application, although the Neovia site is included within the strategic model, the findings of the traffic modelling showed significant pressure on parts of the network in the vicinity the A47 and the potential transport and environmental impacts this has across the wider network.


Improvements to the A47 were identified at two key junctions to improve journey times and local network reliability. The junctions are Desford Crossroads and the Dodwells/Longshoot junctions at the A5. Whilst additional minor improvements to other parts of the network could be required in the future, the Highways Authority will continue to pursue the evidenced and policy led basis to the furtherance to highway intervention at the Desford Crossroads (tested, costed and adopted).


Moving back to the details of this application, certainly from capacity perspective improvements to the Dann’s Lane junction with the A47 are not considered necessary as part of this planning application. As identified in the TA, junction modelling analysis has identified a material impact at the Desford Crossroads following the introduction of development traffic. The junction currently operates over capacity with frequent queuing and delays. The junction analysis results have demonstrated that the addition of development traffic would exacerbate an already overloaded situation.


The Highways Authority are however continuing to take practical steps, in collaboration with Desford Parish Council,  to provide overall measures in the area to help facilitate the efficient and safe transition of goods vehicles. The Highways Authority have recently held some positive meetings with representatives of Desford Parish Council both in December (2016) and January (2017) to address on-going concerns over HGV traffic disobeying the current environmental 7.5t weight restrictions in Desford.


As a result of the meetings which have provided all parties with a better understanding of how HGV traffic is operating through villages, the Highways Authority are now in a position to develop a signage strategy that takes into account the concerns raised.


Highways are scheduled to report back to ‘key stakeholders’ at a meeting to be held at Neovia in March (2017) to discuss the signage strategy proposed and with Neovia Logistics very supportive of a signage scheme to assist local residents concerns, Highways are optimistic that a scheme can progress for the benefit of the community.


Mr Vears said that Desford Crossroads was already highlighted as a junction that needed work and will be affected further by future developments.


Cllr Bill complained that this would only push more traffic through Desford.


Mr Vears replied that this will not be the case because there is a weight limit so none of the big lorries will be routed via Desford village.


Cllr Crooks noticed that lorries have been getting stuck on High Street after trying to get through Desford Village.


Mr Vears replied that he had been working on this issue for 28 years and lorries will always occasionally choose inappropriate routes. Unfortunately we can only deal with what’s in place when looking at a planning application.


Cllr Sutton suggested that we should remove the sign that says no access to Peckleton for HGV’s over 7.5 tonnes.


Mr Vears informed Members that we are working with the Parish Council for new signage system. Thanks for raising this we will make a note of it