Agenda item

Highway Maintenance Strategy and Policy Review


The Forum considered a report by the Director of Environment and Transport with regard to the Highway Maintenance Strategy and Policy Review. The report was introduced by Mr Vears with a copy filed with the minutes.


Mr Vears took Members through the report and advised that this followed on from the report to the meeting on the 28th June 2016 on the A-Roads to Zebras – A Comprehensive Maintenance Review.  This detailed the reasons for the review and the current extreme financial challenges, the alterations in the way that funding is being processed, together with the changes that will need to occur to comply with these alterations. 


Mr Vears went on to say that the responses to the consultation were mixed but gave a good steer as to what services the public think are important.  A detailed analysis of the responses was presented to the Cabinet on 13th December 2016.  Following Cabinet approval, a draft Highway Asset Management Policy and Strategy have been produced and are attached to the report for information. 


Mr Vears encouraged Members to feed into this current consultation process and their thoughts and feedback would be welcome.  The results will help formulate the final policy and strategy documents which will influence the 2018/19 programme.


Cllr Kirby asked what we can do with the general state of road signs; lots are covered in dirt and are unreadable.


Mr Vears informed Cllr Kirby that we are looking at different solutions, reducing assets, concentrating on the most important signs and looking at volunteer groups being set up to help clean the signs. No decision has been made yet and different options are being explored. As well as looking at the health and safety issues that comes with people cleaning road signs.


Cllr Kirby complained that when you report an overgrown hedge it takes ages for the Council to investigate whose property it is and for something to be done.


Mr Vears replied that if we know that these are our own hedges and they are causing an issue then we will get out there investigate and cut these quickly. However if the hedges are not our then we do have to investigate who owns the land, we then write to them and serve notice which can take some time. This is something we will be discussing Parish Councils as part of the highway maintenance review. 


Cllr Bill asked about areas that are not in a parish. 1/3 of Hinckley & Bosworth is an urban area and this isn’t talked about in reports. Where do we stand on this matter?


Mr Vears thanked Cllr Bill for the feedback and assured him that we are happy to talk to everyone not just Parishes.


Cllr Sprason asked what he can say to residents when they ask him if they can clean dirty road signs.


Mr Vears informed Members that part of the work is writing guidance for matters such as this and it is something that we are currently exploring. If certain groups or residents wish to help us and would like to trial different ideas with us we are very happy to talk to all groups/ parishes.


Cllr O’Shea asked that when we give out licenses to cultivate do we give guidance?


Mr Vears confirmed that we do give guidance and direction when a license is issued. Putting rocks on grass verges are something we need to look and is on the long list of things we are reviewing.


Cllr Kirby asked if we are looking at setting up a proper organised group of volunteers to help trial certain things.


Mr Vears confirmed that we are happy to speak to everyone and we will not be limiting anyone from taking part.


Cllr Camomile said it was surprising how many people do cut the grass outside their houses without knowing you need a license for it, they just do it so it looks nice. She informed us that she used to cut the grass outside her parents’ house without knowing you had to have a license. Some look lovely and professional so it can be done.




That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted.

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