Agenda item

Hinckley Area Project update


The Forum considered a report by the Director of Environment and Transport which updated Members on the Hinckley Area Project.  The report was introduced by Mr Palfreyman with a copy filed with the minutes.


Mr Palfreyman took Members through the report and gave an overview of the funding of the 4 zones of this project.  He confirmed that zones 1 and 2 were now completed, zone 3 is still ongoing and zone 4 is under proposals.


Cllr Bray asked if there was a plan B should funding be turned down.


Mr Palfreyman said that they are working on 2 scenarios that are listed in the report.  The worst case scenario would be if no funding was available, work would have to be done with the Borough Council to complete proposals.


Cllr Bill asked if there was any news on the funding submitted in March 2016 as he hasn’t heard anything which is very concerning.  He asked if we were to be awarded a reduced amount of funding, can we prioritise the schemes, such as the Hinckley roundabout and the Lancaster Road pedestrian crossing. 


Mr Vears shared Cllr Bill’s disappointment regarding the news on funding.  He said they will look at alternatives, to see what can be done with the money they have available, they will prioritise the schemes and advise Members.


Cllr Witherford asked why the Rugby Road to Granville Road left turn was blocked off around Christmas time, what was the result and is this going to happen again.  This left 11 houses struggling to park their vehicles.


Mrs Blockley said that this was a request from Hinckley and Bosworth Council to help with traffic flow around Sainsbury’s at Christmas time. Sainsbury’s put the suggestions forward to help with peak congestion issues.


Mr Reid added that it was a right turn ban and the feedback they received from Sainsbury’s was very positive, however it was only a temporary measure to ease congestion onto Rugby Road around Christmas time.


Mr Vears offered to send the full details as to why the road closure happened directly to Cllr Witherford.


Mr Palfreyman said that part of the aspirations for zone 4 was to learn lessons from temporary road closures such as this one, and this is something that will be looked at as part of zone 4.


Cllr Kirby asked if the yellow lines on Leicester Road are scheduled to be done.


Mrs Blockley said that they had received an objection to this, so the matter will be referred to Director of E & T to consider under delegated authority in consultation with the Lead Member where the matter will hopefully be resolved.


Cllr Kirby also mentioned the yellow lines on Butt Lane, these are still being parked on and she has received a lot of complaints from residents, as there is no enforcement in place.


Mrs Blockley confirmed that wardens do patrol that area however, as yellow lines do not have a loading ban on them, parents are allowed to load and unload children under 11 years old.


Mrs Blockley informed that there has been an objection with the yellow lines on Bark Lane, this will be taken to Director of E & T to consider under delegated authority in consultation with the Lead Member.


Cllr Kirby expressed her thanks for the footpath going from JCC.  She asked if there was going to be any street lighting along the footpath.


Mr Vears said that, we do not have the budget to install street lamps along the footpath.




i)             That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted; and

ii)            That officer sends Cllr Witherford details of the Rugby Road closure.

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