Agenda item

Highway Maintenance update


The Forum considered an update by the Director of Environment and Transport with regard to the Highway Maintenance Strategy and Policy Review.  The report was introduced by Ms Carruthers with a copy filed with the minutes.


            Ms Carruthers took Members through the report and advised that this followed on from the report to the meeting on 4th July 2016 on the A-Roads to Zebras – A Comprehensive Maintenance Review, which detailed the reasons for the review and the current extreme financial challenges and the changes in the way that funding is being processed, together with the changes that will need to occur to comply with these changes.  Ms Carruthers explained that due to the Department for Transport (DfT) Incentive fund, the department must change their processes to ensure they are maximising funding from Government for highway maintenance.


            Ms Carruthers explained that the public’s views from the recent consultation have now been collated and give a good idea of the public’s views on priorities.  A detailed analysis of the responses was presented to the Cabinet on 13th December 2016.  Following Cabinet approval, a draft Highway Asset Management Policy and Strategy have been produced in line with Government guidance and these are attached to the report for information.  The Cabinet approved a full public 3-month consultation on these documents and Ms Carruthers encouraged Members to feed into this process and their thoughts and feedback would be very welcome.  The results of this would be reported to Cabinet in June 2017.





            Ms Carruthers highlighted para 13 of the report which states that the Cabinet also approved the development of a pilot scheme to provide Parish Councils with the option to take on Highway warden work.  She stated that some Parish Councils will not be willing to take on this role but they could still provide the eyes and ears and be able to monitor and report issues to the Council.  This is also an option for community groups and networks.


            Cllr Richardson asked if there was going to be further liaison with Districts and Borough councils.  He also asked about the situation with the red diesel as if the Parish Councils take on grass cutting they may break the law unless they drain their tanks and refill and he asked if there was a solution to this.  Ms Carruthers explained that this is the type of issue she would expect to be addressed through the pilot project and that the proposal of devolving some tasks was not about paying Parish Councils to do the work of the Council, it was about liaising with them over things they could take easily take on and the County Council can provide information and advice on legal and insurance issues.   Cllr Richardson asked when the pilot was due to start.  Ms Carruthers advised that they have received a reasonable amount of interest and the pilot will follow shortly.


            Cllr L Phillimore DC asked if this meant that the County Council would have land ownership transferred to Parish Councils where it was appropriate.  Ms Carruthers explained that this was not about transferring land but it did include clearing, grass cutting, drainage etc. but the Council were open to discussions.


            Cllr Phillimore also stated that he thought the ‘making good’ of roads after development was appalling and wondered if there was something County could do to pass the cost of this maintenance onto the Developer.  Ms Carruthers answered that this was an ongoing challenge for the department.  Officers do check and monitor this and do get the Developer to put it right when necessary.  Ms Carruthers stated that every time the road surface is opened it reduces its life by one third. 


            Ms Carruthers reminded Members of the budget situation and that in 2009/10 the budget was £32m and by 2020 this would be reduced to £16.5m which included street lighting and waste management and agreed this would be an ongoing challenge.  She stated that a permit system is being investigated which could help to monitor and control what is happening in the carriageway with everything being recorded.


            Cllr Greenwood raised concern about the flooding on the A47 (LFE) due to drainage (Beggars Lane to Braunstone Crossroads). Ms Carruthers highlighted the leaflet that had been passed round which gives contact details with regard to flooding issues.  She asked Cllr Greenwood to give her the details which she will pass to officers to investigate its jetting history.




i)          That the update of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted; and

ii)         that officers investigate the flooding on the A47 (LFE) due to drainage (Beggars Lane to Braunstone Crossroads).

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