Agenda item

School Bollards Launde School


The Forum considered an update by the Director of Environment and Transport with regard to the school bollards at Launde School.  The report was introduced by Mr Kirk with a copy filed with the minutes.


Mr Kirk informed Members that this update was a follow on from the petition response at the last forum about the parking issues at Launde School.  The petition response stated that a School Travel Plan (STP) was required which would have to be approved by officers at Oadby and Wigston Borough Council.  He went on to say that bollards are expensive and have to be funded from the Local Authority budget and that all schools suffer similar issues with inconsiderate parent parking to drop off and collect their children.   There is currently enforcement with zig zag markings but parents still park, drop off their children and drive off.


Cllr Charlesworth stated that he was frustrated that the education of parents does not seem to work and felt that enforcement was the only way forward.  He went on to say that at Holy Cross Primary School on Stonesby Avenue, they have the Billy and Belinda bollards and although they are 10m apart and in theory a car could park between them they don’t and he felt that was because they feel ashamed or embarrassed. He felt that this was a very negative report and that the County Council should be trying to find a solution to this issue.  Mr Kirk clarified that parents are allowed to drop off and pick up on double yellow lines.  


Cllr Fahey agreed with Cllr Charlesworth and stated that it would not cost £24,000 to put in red routes.  He also mentioned that the main entrance to Launde school is on New Street and not Uplands Road and motorists are trying to get through New Street every day with difficulty.  He went onto say that work that was agreed in the petition response to amend the lining to straighten the road out to give it some flexibility in September 2015 had not yet been carried out.   He raised his concern that there were going to be 100 extra students at Launde School in September 2017. Cllr Fahey asked officers where the details of the strategic route improvements were mentioned in the report.  Mr Kirk directed him to paragraph 3 of the report.


Cllr Darr asked why County always raise no objections when schools are applying for expansion and asked can the school be asked to contribute when it is for the safety of the school?  Mr Kirk stated that officers are in conversation with the school about a School Travel Plan.  Cllr Darr asked if when a planning application is received are the County asked for comments.  Mr Kirk stated that this would have no impact on the Highway.  Cllr Darr asked that in future could this be considered as it is a safety issue.  Mr Kirk stated that the issue would be more for the department of Children and Family Services with regard to extra school places and travel. 


Cllr Kaufman informed Members that the City have a car with CCTV installed for enforcement purposes and asked if the County liaise with the City on this.  Mr Kirk stated that he was aware of it and went on to clarify that it is allowed for parents to drop their children off on double yellow lines but not wait and this is stated in the Highway Code. Vehicles are not allowed to stop on Zig Zags.


Cllr Fahey asked if the School Travel Plan is issued every year. Tony confirmed that the School Travel Plan is for Oadby and Wigston Borough Council officers to approve. 


Cllr Gamble stated that the planning application is approved but not the School Travel Plan, this is arranged under delegated powers and is for Oadby & Wigston Borough Council to resolve.




That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted.

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