Agenda item

Severn Trent Water update (verbal)


Mr Jonathon Wroe from Severn Trent Water introduced himself and informed Members that he had been invited to the Highway Forum to talk about current and future plans for works in the Oadby and Wigston area.  Mr Wroe stated that he had brought a number of plans which had the recent water main bursts plotted.  He advised Members that he would send a copy of these maps electronically to Sue Dann to send out with the minutes.   He stated that the Asset Investment team are currently working on a mains renewal plan using the information on the identified hot spots. 


Mr Wroe advised Members that he was happy to answer any questions and if he was unable to answer them, he would take these back to respond after the meeting.


Cllr D A Gamble CC asked about the recent 10m burst main that burst again directly after it was fixed.   Mr Wroe responded that this is partly due to the aging asset and also a finite budget for investment.  He advised that all bursts are plotted and then put through a matrix which is used for prioritising the work.  He added that it is useful for customers to inform him of issues which can sometimes affect the priority that work is carried out.


Cllr Gamble stated that there had been many recent water main bursts in Oadby that have caused chaos due to road closures.   Mr Wroe responded that Severn Trent Water tries to ensure that customers get their water supply returned as quickly as possible.  Unfortunately the situation can be unpredictable with the need to liaise with other utilities, the asset may also be buried in concrete and the disruption to the network does sometimes create one or two other bursts due to the shock to the system. 


Mr Wroe stated that he understood Member’s concerns especially the bursts on the Parade and will look into the investment plans for this area.  He also stated that to repair these bursts, road closures and equipment have to be used.


Cllr M H Charlesworth CC asked if Severn Trent Water (STW) have a proactive approach.   Mr Wroe answered that Severn Trent use software that can produce a model using asset age, frequency and number of bursts.  He explained that due to funding they cannot replace everything but they can try and respond as quickly as possible to bursts. Mr Wroe referenced the maps that he had brought to the meeting which will be attached to the minutes for information. 


Cllr Charlesworth asked if the low pressure that customers experience in this area is due to STW not wanting to stress the system.  Mr Wroe answered that the supply is shared and this is done by having one pipe from the supply which then has branches to a number of properties.  He added that if there are concerns regarding low pressure, these can be raised with STW who can try and resolve the issue.  Mr Wroe stated that for new residential developments, household demand would be considered and taken into account for mains water and sewerage.  If they are not viewed to be sufficient the Developer will be asked to contribute to any necessary improvements. 


Cllr Charlesworth asked about the lifespan of the network.  Mr Wroe said that the metal pipework installed in 1930 is lasting longer than the PVC pipework installed in the 1970/80s which is coming to its end of life.  This is being replaced with MDPE and HDPE which lasts longer than the PVC plastic mains. 


Cllr Charlesworth asked about the huge tanker that has been sited at the Railway Midland Mainline site for 3 days with about 30 men working in that area.  Mr Wroe stated that he was unaware of this but would take this back and investigate and report back to Cllr Charlesworth.


Cllr G A Boulter CC stated that residents get annoyed with Utilities digging up the road and then leaving the barriers there for days with no activity, and asked why this happens?  He also asked about the low water pressure and has complained to STW but has not heard anything but had heard that a resident had been advised to renew his own pipework at their own expense which had been done but the low pressure problem remained.  He advised that this was on Manor Street, Coronation Avenue and Holmden Avenue.  He stated that residents on Cherry Street did have this problem but now have a new main. He felt that the pressure was turned down due to the leak problem.  Mr Wroe said he would take this issue back to investigate and report back to Cllr Boulter.


The Chair asked if a resident requested a separate feed due to low pressure, would they automatically be put onto a water meter.  Mr Wroe stated that water meters are currently not compulsory.


Cllr R Fahey BC said that he had been advised that STW is having to employ staff from Europe to work on putting drainage into new developments.  Mr Wroe explained that STW are a separate company to those that install drainage into new housing developments.  STW operate and maintain the mains sewers in new developments, and they are responsible for inputting into new sewer developments with regard to flood risk and can ask Developers to upgrade if necessary.  STW don’t lay sewers in new housing developments although they provide the standard and specification to work from.  Mr Wroe confirmed that once the development is completed, the responsibility is handed over to STW and they would then maintain the asset.  Mr Wroe confirmed that the contractors on this scheme are not employed by Severn Trent or its sub-contractors. He also confirmed that all of STW’s employees are screened to ensure they hold the correct documents to work in the UK.


Cllr Charlesworth stated that he thought that water meters were the way forward as he felt that the pricing was wrong as it still uses rateable value rather than the consumption of water.  Mr Wroe stated that STW are proud that they do have the lowest bills of all the Water Utilities.  He went on to say that they will soon be moving to a competitive market and consumers will be able to choose their suppliers in future, this will start later this year for non-household customers. 


Cllr Boulter stated that he was aware of a leak on the junction of Cross Street and Moat Street that was reported before Christmas and is continuing to leak and he was concerned that this may cause a problem especially in the freezing weather. Mr Wroe stated that he would take this back and investigate and report back to Cllr Boulter.  Mr Wroe stated that sometimes the leak can be on the private (customer) side but shows on the footpath.


Cllr K Loydall BC had 3 issues to raise, as follows:


1)         With regard to the finite budget, in the private sector an aim would be to invest money replacing pipes year on year, are they complying with this?

2)         Are they in the position to maintain our source of water?

3)         Are they still complying with the NRSWA?


Mr Wroe answered as follows:

1)         STW is heavily regulated and the Regulator ensures they make the right level of investment and are held to account to a standard set of measures.

2)         The vast majority of our water comes from the Derwent Valley.  STW are investing in infrastructure projects in Derby, Ambergate and Ab Kettleby.  They are also looking at ways of conserving water, using grey water for flushing, gardening etc. and looking at ways of collecting and storing water.

3)         Permits are still required for opening the road and STW ensure they programme their work and have a tie in unless the work is an emergency. 


The Chairman thanked Mr Wroe for answering Members’ questions and it was agreed that it would be useful for Mr Wroe to attend a future meeting.